Hey Kids!
Today on newsarama.com Steve Fritz published a recent interview with TDI creator, Tom McGillis. It's a nice article about the origins FreshTV and the shows TDI, 6teen and Stoked.
Go HERE to read the article and you'll even find out a little bit about Total Drama: The Musical.
WHOA! How cute, he's in the confession can!
O MY GOSH! AWESOME DUDE!And I cant believe there are going to be two new characters in TDTM(total drama the musical ;) )I cant wait for next season to see who they are! I also hope the Duncan, Heather, and Izzy are in next season, because they make the show dramatic and funny!
great now im even more anxious! now i have to wait for TDA episode 14 AND tdtm!
oh well i just luv luv LUV the total drama seires and it will be worth the wait ;)
Plz let Cody be in TDTM! He is awsome!
Oh my gosh. PLEASE tell me Harold is coming back. (BTW, it would be funny to see Owen jump out of a plane.)
I read the WHOLE thing, about the shows, though, and is Total Drama coming to an end?!?!!? What the heck? Will Total Drama be live action?!?!?
<:(...Oh great. There acually IS going to be a musical. Noooooo! i'm really sad. why is there gonna be a musical? Grrrr! no! the Total Drama cast just singing throught the show. noooo! I hate musicals. please. why is this happening. and how do people know about the musical? like, allmost a year ago people have been like: oh...i heard season 3 is going to be total drama musical. how do they find this out!? omg. please...my head is just spinning with complaints and questions.
rrr......i don't understand....i'm sorry. help me.
OMG that's so cool! I love the pic!
TDM? sounds odd..but interesting i reeallyyyyyy hope they have BOTH courtney and duncan in the next season. if they dont who knows if i'll still like it. cant have one without the other thats for sure. i suspect heather, izzy, owen, gwen and trent will be in the next season. i wonder how the 2 new characters thing will go..
Season 3 sounds AWESOME!!!!
Ezekiel gets to be in Season 3 right?!!! Please tell me he does! He deserves a real chance to show people the real side to him!!
I mean come on! For a character that's had about 5 lines total, no moments in the confessional can, no second chances when others like *COUGH* CIT is pardoned with every turn.....
The point is the guy is really gaining in popularity now! And the Ezekiel fans are hitting the blogs, the fanfics and the art sites with this message....
And WE want more screen shots of this adorable underdog!
We want more dialog!
We want him to actually have a chance to make friends!
What was the whole thing with Bridgette, is he friends or crushing on Izzy and who ARE his friends anyway?
And that accent!!
Canada show and you guys don't have the accent!
Please mix it up on 3rd season! DON'T make it a carbon copy of Season 2!
NO CIT have EZEKIEL instead! And Tyler, and Noah....give THEM a chance to shine!
After all....it's underdogs and unique characters that make a show fun!
Put Zeke on 3! Put him on SEASON 3!!!!!
OMG! *faints* He just gave away information about TDM!!! *faints agian* Well now I am going to have dreams of Harold in tights singing 'single ladies' don't ask why I just well. and before I leave I just have one thing to say THANKYOU!
Phew only two new characters. From what I heard I thought it would b almost half. So Im assuming that means that the 13 returning will b everyone who made it to TDA excluding Geoff and Bridgette(who will continue to host the aftermath episodes).
I'm with you, Amanda! Duncan, Izzy and Heather are MY FAVORITE characters! What are the two new people gonna look like??? Do you know, Todd?!?!? HUH?!?!?
I REALLY REALLY want Duncan, Heather, Gwen, and Izzy to be in season three! And two new characters will be exciting (It's gonna cause some kind of love triangle, I know it -__-)
BAHA. A Vampire babysitter. I hope they make fun of twilight, that would be hilarious. XD
The voice actors for
Courtney and Harold said they
were recording for the show so
I believe those characters will
be in it. I hope Duncan Gwen are back .
I don't understand why people think TDM is gonna be so bad, I mean, i've actually been wanting to hear what they sing like. (just as long it's nothing like HSM, then i'm good)
I'm guessing Trent and Courtney are coming back, because trent can sing, and isn't courtney voiced by an actual singer or something? (i'm also hoping you bring back gwen, owen, duncan, izzy, cody, maybe heather, and bridgette)
season 3 IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be happy if Duncan, Courtney, LeShawna, Heather and Harold return.(in that order) If they don't I'll cry. (most if DxC doesn't come back lol) TDM, sounds interesting, I don't know how it will work, but meh, I've been shocked before. Only two newbies? That's good, I thought like half the cast was going out the window, that would have sucked. Can't wait to see the new guys !
Still waitin for episode 14... *taps foot*
even though it's an outhouse, i'd love 2 be in the confession can!!!!!!
TDM? Realy? I left a comment on an earlier blog that it woudn't be a good ideao to make it a musical series. I think the idea of them traveling around the world in a jet is cool but singing and dancing? Sure some girls are into it cuz of high school musical but from one of your biggest fans I don't think it will be as populer than TDI and TDA. I will watch the season no matter what but I won't watch it on TV to help it stay on the air like I do now. I'll just watch on the internet. Good luck with the show.
OMG!Dreams do really come true!If Courtney wuold be in it,I swear I'm gonna scream!And say bad words to my sister!I don't know why,but I would do it if I wanted.Youre gonna have a lot more ratings!
Who can hate musicals? I enjoy them. I still want Cody back in the show! How will Chris get all the supplies while being on a jet? They do stop right? Wouldn't the parents of the losers be angry when Chris forces them to leave in a foreign country?Who are the new characters? Please tell us.
Did you just call me a kid?
Hehe I'm joking..
A musical.. really..
Sounds..err. interesting.
I mean I've never seen a T.V. show musical..
This is going to be reaaaally interesting..
Thanks for hitting the most unaimed audience due to our unknown personalities - Tweens :D
We really appreciate it.
Oh wow, now I can't wait for Season 3! I just wonder how the end of Total Drama Action will have to do with the starting of Total Drama: The Musical...
"Now for Total Drama Island, the look is like an homage to a show called Clone High, an MTV show [...]
But the design of the show was so beautiful. Todd Kaufman and Mark Thornton, who are the directors of Total Drama, they worked on that show. They brought that to our show. So to me they feel like different shows. I guess though, on the bigger picture, they do look like similar shows. The color palettes are similar"
I KNEW IT! XD Fisrt time I saw TDI, I thought "Cool, the design reminds Clone High", AND I'M A BIG FAN OF BOTH SHOWS! (Yeah, I was so sad after that problem with Gandhi at India that caused "Clone High"'s cancelation)
Hahaha, Total Drama The Musical sounds incredibly funny and random. I bet it'll be as good as the "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts" episode on "Clone High". I'm crossing my fingers it includes my 6 favourite characters and pairings (DuncanXCourtney, TrentXGwen, BridgetteXGeoff). Too sad the number of the original characters is decreasing on each sequel, all of them are great. Let's see how are the two new ones.
Oooh, and "My Babysitter Is A Vampire" makes fun of Twi-hards! Mwahahaha, sounds daring and funny
That is soooooo cool!! I had no idea the water in stoked was hand drawn! My respect has risen over maximum!!
Yeee~! I am soooo excited for Total Drama Musical!! I hope Courtney, Lindsay, Duncan, Gwen and Trent are in it:D I wonder who the new contestants will be:3
And that Vampire Babysiter show, I am so watching that! I HATE TWILIGHT! Mwaha!!!
I wonder who the new people r going to be? and i hope Lindsay is in TDM (along with certain other people)!
O: Imagine Todd and thorny as the 2 new people! whn the see them, they like, O: Um, Can you delete harold for me dude? said duncan lol
Guess what?! EZEKIEL FAN!!!! :D
Yep the Zeke fans have found the boards and we WANT ZEKE on Season 3!!!
I'd also want Harold, Noah, IZZY and Tyler on there too! And the rest of the cast maybe Eva and a few others as long as it is NOT that bratty sue happy my way or the highway CIT! x-(
Put Zeke on Season 3! The Zeke fans demand it! :D
Ok, normally i don't like watching singing and dancing...but i'm really excited for Total Drama the Musical! Can't wait for it, even though i'm still in TDA. Wonder who wins??
Really want Harold, Beth, Lindsay, and Cody to be in TDTM.
I wish DJ was there, I heard he did not pass to TDM
is he supposed to be dressed like Chris? cuz if ya think about it he is
hey i was thinking about tdm what if there is a challenge where they have to sing the tdi/tda/tdm theme sng to the show! XD
that would be awesome!
they pick them up later right? no one gets dropped in the middle of the ocean or anything? does Heather have hair by then?
if courtany comes back im going to kick myself in my face and run around the block screaming, about the kick-chuck norris is going to do it. their better be a samantha!!!
omg i read the interview and i was about to jump up and down cuz i was so excited! YEA!
You know what would be a great idea?
Since the biggest Total Drama fan couple is DxC. Duncan and Courtney are bound to get into atleast another little quarrel.
So as a little 'forgive me?' token after a little fight, during the episode they're in a snowy/icy place have Duncan put a mistletoe over Courtney's head and kiss her on the cheek. I believe that would be a really great idea. Hopefully there would still be time to make that, probably not.
Well, just letting that idea out there =)
I have got a very good idea! The surname of Tyler will be Jefferson. Why? Because in his jacket appears the letters T and J. The T is in relevance to the name Tyler, but the J?
In other terms, i want to see a video message of Lindsay in Total Drama the Musical, and i have a lot of ideas for it. As the appearance of her father cleaning his ferrari and talking about her, with a short intervention of her sister Paula only to be more variable. Please, answer me in the shortly time possible. Thanks you!
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