Today's the day that the DVD set comes out from Cartoon Network. I haven't seen it yet (well the box set that is ... I mean I did see the shows... like on TV and stuff) so I don't know what sort of "extra" content there might be -- or what the package art looks like. From what I read in this review , the bonus features are made up of the audition tapes of the original 22 campers.
I thought I'd put out our own "bonus features" this morning. A few rotations that people have asked for, and that are missing from this version of the blog.

74 comments: has the audition tapes from ALL 22 campers? Does that mean that we'll finally see Owen and Gwen's tapes?
Oh so the "cast interviews" are just audition tapes
I gonna get it today!
You have AMAZING timing! I was trying to draw a TDI style picture, and I couldn't figure out how to draw Owen. xD Thanks sooo much!
Great news! Cant wait to get the DVDs!
This is off topic but, I havent seen you mention it, but did you have anything to do with the TDA Best Game ever on I like playing it!
What are the cast interviews??
When will there be a new episode of TDA in Canada?
ugh, i wanna get the DVD soooo badly, but, i can't get it until next week :(
YAY! THanks for The extra rotations! XD
*starts doing the carmeldansen*
Awesome! I can't wait to get it! My birthday is September 2nd so I hope I get it then!!!!
Could you tell me what stores I can get it? I REALLY want it!
We all have been asking this question. Will this DVD be censored (like US edits), cause there are some things that don't need edits?
I'm afraid to buy it. I need to know if it's edited or if it's the version played in Canada!
YES!!! I already preordered mine, and I can't wait to get it! Also, thanks for putting up the other rotations that weren't put up before!
I spend all the summer doing shores for raising money for this DVD!But I dont care!,its worht it and more!Im gonna buy it today at WalMart!Im from Puerto Rico,so I dont know if its coming out today exactly!
FS/BB Product SKU: M2168512 Stock Status (in ON) -- Information Not Available
HMV SKU: 1000103267
Status (in ALL OF CANADA) -- see for yourself
WalMart SKU: 551433
This item may not be available or in-stock at all stores. Pricing and selection may vary by store. Visit your local store for current information on pricing and availability.
Ergo, it might be a waste of gas...
Chapters/Indigo SKU: 883929080533
Stock status in Ontario -- Goose eggs
Online stock status: Temporarily Unavailable to Order New
Do you notice a pattern?
I JUST GOT IT!XD Unfourtunatly it features the CN audio, srry guys.
I want to get the DVD SOOOOO BADDD!!! But my mom can't take me today. =( Neither can my dad, so I'm stuck. Maybe,I'll beg tomorrow after school..... Yeah..... That's a good idea. Bye Thorny!!!
Oh crap! It is 7:20 PM and I still don't have a copy! I NEED THIS!!!!!
YEEEE~! *happy katie/sadie clap* I so wanna get it:D and thanks for the new rotations! Super helpful:D
YAY! Cant wait till I see it. I've been bugging my parents to find it for me.
i just picked it up today! It's so awesome!
WAHH! THEY DIDN'T HAVE IT AT WALMART! I almost ran up to the counter and yelled at someone.....
I WANT THE TDI DVD SO MUCH! no Katie rotation?! i think she is the last camper to see a rotation for!
Wow I am so excited!
But I need help...
I have a region 4 dvd player and the dvd is region 1(because im from Australia) and now I have so adjust my dvd player so I can play it!
I want to know when the dvd the will come out in Australia.
PLease help someone!
Thank you!
(p.s: can i send you an email from Australia because if I can could you reply to my email please, please,please! If i cant oh well sigh...)
Hey Todd,
great DVD i was wondering it says it includes the reunion special on the back but ive been looking and i can't find the reunion special also how come the DVD isnt Teletoon and unedited?
Ohmigod, ohmigod! Thank you thank you thank you! I've been just dying for these rotations forevah! Especially the Tyler and Leshawna ones. TDA is awesome, BTW. Lots of people say it's lame, but I'm gonna stick to it all the way!
that's disaponting....about the dvd. i thought it would be cooler than that. i mean the audition tapes? that's all? bull! i've been watching all the tapes on youtube ever since the last ep of tdi. well, that majorly sucks. oh, i'm totally gonna buy the dvd anyway. don't y'all worry about that.
Damn, I want it so much but I have to wait for it because I'm from Peru - _ -U. And thank you very much for the rotations! It'd have been great, though, to see LeShawna and Owen's rotations with bathsuits too, just like with the other characters, but it's OK, you've been really nice uploading those rotations for us!
i can't wait to get the dvd!! but i'm broke right now, so i might have to wait until christmas, but it's totally worth it! :D
These are all custom poses aren't they? Thorny, do you have an idea about what nationality the campers are...? My ABSOLUTE favorite line in "Masters of Disasters" (maybe TDA so far) is: "Hey! You put your chips in my pop! ...Hey, you spilled your pop in my chips!" Was that an ad-lib or was it in the script? You know, I just moved to Georgia, and they don't say pop down here. They say Coke. I'm from Michigan, so I do... My other favorite line is Harold: "I spent three summers at Medieval Steve's medieval camp...we learnd to joust, ride horses, and look manly in tights. It's harder than it looks..." I don't know what's up with people saying they hate TDA. How boring would it be to have Gwen and Trent doting on each other? I for one love TDA. Sorry this post is so long...I'm passionate about this show. By the way, what if Heather and Leshawna fought over Harold? ;) Also, thanks for posting Leshawna. I appreciate your work on this blog (no I am not kissing up.). Signed, your absolute biggest fan.
P.S. does anyone know where I can find the dvd? I checked at Wal-Mart, Target...thanks.
Oops, sorry! I meant Owen's rotation too! Not just Leshawna's!
just a reminder thorny
we still dont have Katie's
ive been waiting for hers for over a year
A.W.E.S.O.M.E. said...
just a reminder thorny
we still dont have Katie's
ive been waiting for hers for over a year
jeez what a waste of time -- if you look at august of 2008 you'll see a model sheet of Katie right there
Just checking to confirm this...are the edisodes the CN edited ones? If so this sucks.
thankies for doing eva!
I still awesome anyway!
omg i got it the 15th. i must be lucky,.
We also don't have the actual Chris rotation.
Where u can find the DVD:
I checked out walmart and they have it 4 $25.86
I also looked @ bestbuy and they have it 4 $24.99
people say cody comes back on EP 15 is that a lie and when will you guys show a ne EP because it been like 7 weeks now
I know this is off-topic, but could you PLEASE tell me the name of the TD theme song? I've looked for it all over iTunes but can't find it :( If you could help me out, that'd be great :)
Wal-mart around here didn't have it and it's supposed to be like one of the biggest in the state. I'm starting to hate that store. Neither did K-mart or FYE. There's no where else in the area to look really. Now I'm sad:(
Aww, It's Censored? That just bumms me me out to the maximum:(
It's out? I'm going to get ASAP. I can't wait to see how the rest of TDA turns out. Go Heather!!!
I got mine at Best Buy the day it came out. It took me 2 hours to search other stores and half an hour for them to find it. (They left all the copies n the back.) But when I popped it in I was reminded that it was well worth it.
By the way special features are audition tapes and some other bonus clips. (Example: Izzy chatting ith Chris about how she dated Justin.)
but thats not a complete rotation
it's unfair, i checked wal-mart, best buy, futureshop, and every stores that sells DVD's, and none of them have it. i'm beginning to think it's not being sold here in canada....or least not my in area :(
Hey guys, actually wanted to ask you a question important to me.
You see, I was banned from the Total Drama Wiki for this. So I know the place is filled with speculation and incorrect info, buuut, I was banned over the fact some people seem to think the intern that was Duncan's original design is named Phil on the show.
I'm almost positive his name has never been revealed. It's the guy who was a pizza delivery man, Chris's stunts double, and later an intern. People seem to think he was called Phil in the special. I think otherwise.
People also seem to think he was supposed to be Cody in the Camp TV promo from 2006. As Duncan was present.
So please for the sake of my dignity clarify on this subject. I haven't seen Thorny respond to people in a long time but I really want this. It's like, a part of my bucket list now.
We also get to see mr. coconut's audition tape too
So awesome! If I could just have you sign it (when I get it) it'd be a collector's item!!!
I'm going to wait until the prices of it go down a bit. I'm that type. Not that I'm not so TOTALLY SIKED about it though!!!
From watching that episode with the audition tapes, I nearly laughed my head off! Harold's was probably the funniest though. :)
exuse me, when does the 14th episode of TDA come out? or did it already come out, but i just dont know?
The DVD set has the CN version of the episodes, with bowdlerized dialog and 4:3 aspect ratio.
Despite statements that it would include the "reunion special, the DVD set does NOT, repeat, does NOT have the double-length episode, "Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island". What it has instead is the "TDI Rundown" special that CN aired in the 3-week gap between Heather's elimination and the season finale.
The "video messages from home" that aired in the U.S. market aren't included either, although that's no great loss.
(Speaking of which, did anyone else notice that those video messages were produced for the top 5 finishers, and aired in the order of their finish, i.e. Owen's 1st, Gwen's 2nd, etc.? Food for thought if something similar airs with TDA episodes...)
The "cast interviews" are actually the audition tapes, plus an additional spot with Izzy and Chris. The set is incomplete, because most of the audition tapes that aired as part of the "Rundown" special are not duplicated in the "cast interviews" section.
I already pre-ordered it when they told us so i am gonna check the mail everyday
Do they have it in HMV?
kaylacurios-its name is i wanna be famous
i brang it to my haircutters and my mom helen and me watched it :)
CRRRRAZY Sam - Thanks, but I looked and couldn't find the right song. I got the name of the song somewhere a few months ago but forgot it once I got to iTunes.
They don't have Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island, despite the box SAYING IT DOES. Sucks. And, the intern for the final episode is different, I think it was the Canadian one. weird. There's not all the audition tapes, they don't have Owen and Gwen's. Are those two even MADE? And they put in a weird clip with Chris and Izzy, plus one with Chef Hatchet (what's his first name...?). When I saw cast interviews, I was thinking like, the voices of the characters and I got all excited, but it was really stuff we've all seen before. The special features are a letdown. But, the episodes still rock! I wonder if TDDDDI is going to be released with the TDA dvd? Bye!
uh, guys. Thorny we have a link that has eleminations as farther than the episodes.|/tv/totalDramaAction/microsite/contest/tda.php|
can you please check this out. THX
Anonymous said...
uh, guys. Thorny we have a link that has eleminations as farther than the episodes.|/tv/totalDramaAction/microsite/contest/tda.php|
can you please check this out. THX
funny -- that link show Geoff as being available for elimination -- he's not even on the show. It looks to me like this link is left over from a game they were building -- notice the date. Also, i can't seem to find this page just by navigating through the site. Sorry to burst your bubble -- but it ain't the elimination order. ;)
funny -- that link show Geoff as being available for elimination -- he's not even on the show. It looks to me like this link is left over from a game they were building -- notice the date. Also, i can't seem to find this page just by navigating through the site. Sorry to burst your bubble -- but it ain't the elimination order. ;)
So when does Courtney get eliminated? I really want her to win and attend season 3. Can you tell me if she is in season 3?
Who has been snooping? Just kidding. If you want to snoop, go ahead, but if you post anything here, I'll break out the spoons :)
So everyone who has the DVD did not receive the TDDDDI reunion special? Should we return it and demand everything the box promised us?
Who should we complain to? The box lied about the reunion special!
Yay!!! New DVD!!! :D
I wonder if Ezekiel is in unaired cut footage. :D
Zeke for 3! Zeke for 3!!!
I hope CIT gets eliminated in the NEXT episode!
PlEAAASSSSE tell me you won't let someone who didn't even get on the show FAIRLY WIN!
That would be sooo not cool!
And it's already not cool that ZEKE is not on Season 2! :(
I want Zeke! Bring him back! Bring him Back!!!!! :(
Zeke for 3! Zeke for 3!!!
I got it I love the end were they put the circle with a cross on the elminated people!!!
Yay Eva! She's cool now that her anger is somewhat controlled. (Because of Noah, right?)
you didn't get all of them what about Katie, Sierra and Alejandro
Tyler! I love him! He is so under- appreciated! Please give him some more screen time and a place in TDR!!!
when is there going to be a Katie rotation!?
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