My dog Buddy passed away earlier this year :(
In recent months , my wife Laura has been checking out the animal adoption sites almost daily -- hoping to find the perfect new member of our family. Today she came across this listing on the Northumberland Humane Society site.
Katy and Sadie - ADOPTION PENDING (Sadie)
Katy and Sadie (Katy left, Sadie right) are two 1-2 year old hound crosses who came from the Kingston Humane Society with their hound ladyfriend Lady, who has since been adopted. They all get along very well and like other dogs. They have all been tested with cats and are fine with them as well, though a little nervous... which could be a good thing were they to go to a home with a cat not used to dogs! These ladies seem well adjusted but have not yet been tested with children. Sadie and Katy have been at the NHS since July, 2009.
I think whoever names the dogs at the NHS must be a fan of the show.
Awwww, their soo cute!! I would die to have one!! Kinda funny too, two dogs named Katy and Sadie that look alike.
Aw their so cute! lol. Katie & Sadie XD
So sad about your dog though :(
I am sorry for your loss.
Awwww thats adorable! Hah. I wish I could adopt them! ^_^ EEEEEEEE!!
OMG! I want the doggies SO bad!!!!! But my dad does not want anymore puppies, after our last dog....
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! they are so cute! i love dogs! and cats! and bunnies! heck all animals! there part hound dog right? my friends dogs name is Katie and she is 100% hound dog, how weird is that!
OMG that's hilarious!!!! When I got my two guinea pigs, I almost named them Katie and Sadie. You should get them, they're so cute!
lol!!! thats so funny!
:D Oh that would be sooo awesome if you get those two! :D
Sorry you lost your dog, It's hard I know that well and it takes time to heal. Hope your staying strong.
I wonder if they have an Ezekiel dog? With a little blue toque and shaggy brown fur...:D
That would be too awesome!!!!
I so miss EZEKIEL!!! I really really hope he ends up on Season 3 since he REALLY DESERVES another chance to show what he can REALLY DO!
And let it be known....the fans of the highly misunderstood homeschooler Ezekiel have found the blogs!
And we want to see more of...EZEKIEL!!!! :D
Give him a chance! He might end up friends with Bridgette and Izzy! :D
Zeke for 3! Zeke for 3!!!!
i'm so sorry about your dog. I don't know what I would do if my two dogs passed away. I am a huge fan of the show. Maybe i should chance my dogs name to DJ (cause he is a scaridy-dog like DJ) and IZZY (Cause she is super hyper and very unpredictible like IZZY)
First off, I'm sorry for your loss. I mean that sincerely man, I lost my dog, Kellie, not to long ago. So I know what you had to go past, more or less.
However, that doesn't make that find any less awesome. Don't get them though! They'll be sure to annoy anyone with their loud howls of joy. :o
I think so, too, Todd!
You should get them, who knows they could be really sweet dogs. I wish i could get them, but my parents don't anymore dogs. (my dog has the personality of bridgette and izzy, she can be really sweet and calm, yet she can go insane and hyper)
thats sad tht ur dog died if my cats ever died i would never smile again but katie and sadie??? KWL! I thought tht sadie would be a little more fat lol
ok this is way off topic, but I found this website that posts 3 unaired titles and i was wondering if this was the real deal or not. here is the link. Please reply. http://tv.msn.com/tv/series-episodes/total-drama-action/
someone named their dog trent on marapets because of total drama island/action. lol if i have the target dog-Ringo. he is so cute!!! also sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss. I know how you feel, one of my dogs passed away for old age and the other one couldn't survive postoperative trauma at 6 years old.
You're right, the person who named those cute dogs must be a fan of the show. It'd be really cool if you adopt them, but if you can't, I hope they find a good home where they can be together
a blue tongue what?
they look like my friend rex. he's the greatest dog i know. that's the kind i would get if certain people in the house weren't afraid of animals.
Adopt them!!!
You should get them!!
XD Thats freaking amazing!
Katie and Sadie, lol.
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