Not much reaction to Todd's news about his show Sidekick getting a second season. But STOP THE PRESSES!!! CHRIS HAS A PONYTAIL?!?!?!?!
Not much reaction to Todd's news about his show Sidekick getting a second season. But STOP THE PRESSES!!! CHRIS HAS A PONYTAIL?!?!?!?!
To answer some questions (or maybe inspire more) here's a rough concept drawing I did for that upcoming episode of TDR Todd posted the drawing from. Can't tell you anything more .. that would be a spoiler.
Yay! It's been a while since we got any TDR-related. I wonder why Chris looks like that... :/
Keep up the great work, guys! :D
I wonder why Chris looks like that. My guess is that TDR takes place about ten years after Total Drama World Tour or something. Anyways, this just made me more anxious to see TDR. Keep up the great work on Total Drama, guys.
Yo,Chris ! whats appen at the hair ?
Is Chris trying to go incognito or something? Trying to hide from the other season's contestants? Either way he's not fooling anyone but I do admit he looks pretty smooth with that jet pack. Excuse me as I chuckle a bit. ;p
Well we already knew Chris was in TDR, but I as well as the rest of the fans want to kno the wherabouts of the original 24 contestants.
Hmm...Chris+white hair/pony tail+jet pac+suit=?? Either he's dressing up for a challenge [like he normally does, and this is why I'm HOPING he looks like that] OR Total Drama Reloaded takes place in the future [which I seriously doubt. It would be too far a time gap]
...so I'll stick with that he's just dressing up for a challenge, and the white hair/pony tail is a wig (because Chris would DIE if his hair turned white >:3 It would mean that he was getting old, and we all know that Chris wouldn't take that very well)
Psh....he crictizes Ale's ponytail....
Handsome Chris is Handsome mmhmm...
Chris is soo aweesomee!!! I lovee that but i wonder if Chris will look like this the whole season?
Lol! I couldn't stop laughing at "STOP THE PRESSES!!! CHRIS HAS A PONYTAIL?!?!".
Awww, I'm sure everyone is just excited over the new Chris drawings up. I'd like to say I watch Sidekick but since it doesn't air out here, I have yet to see it. Hopefully it will air out here soon!
Seriously though, congrats Todd~ I can't even imagine how much work goes into this kind of animation!
I can't really tell what the spoiler is though...Maybe I need to look at the picture again. haha.
Chris as... does that say Lagdrfeld?Who the heck is that? XD
he's dressed as Karl Lagerfeld, it even says it.
Looks like Chris is sporting a look similar to Ezekiel's hair!
I miss Season 1 Zeke....
Here's hoping for an eventual season of redemption and a long run of competition for him!
Aaaahhh, so he's making a parody of Karl Lagerfeld... and his hair is WHITE, not blond! Now I wonder if that will be his image for just one episode or if he's going to look like that during all the series, so that could mean that it's been years since TDWT and the cast is reuniting as adults. Hum, can't wait to get that doubt out of my mind
lolz wow cant wait to see TDR and see why his hair is like that....as everyone says it might be for a challenge but i doubt it takes place in the future....but still cant wait to see TDR ep1 :D
I was hearing this in my head, "Mclean. Chris Mclain. Double 0 dollar sign." I think its some secret agent thing. Or Radiation from the so called *radioactive Wawanakwa* turned his hair white???
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