Hope y'all liked the first ep. Whether you saw it for the first time or the twenty-first time, we appreciate you tuning in. Here are some random stills from the show.
Check out the new digs.
Geoff's glad to be back. Owen's feeling avuncular...
the first episode was awesome.... I now Courtney is returning on episode 13 but I also heard Geoff,DJ and Cody are also returning....O_o is that true???
Hi TDI im ur biggest fan i even made my own character its name is Tammy. Anyways i was hoping that u guys could have more contests or something. And the winner got to come to the set cuz i would so enter it!
haha owen feeling avuncular... that's seriously one of my favorite owen parts. I saw the first ep on thursday and I can't get over how good it was. total drama just keeps getting better, you guys rock!
That was great. I loved it. I cant wait to see the next episode. Woot. I dont have to work so I get to see it. Woot. Great job guys. So looking foward to this season and the first season DVD Release. I hope its the Canadian version but if not Im still getting it. Woooohooooo
ps... avuncular |əˈvə ng kyələr| adjective 1 of or relating to an uncle. • kind and friendly toward a younger or less experienced person : an avuncular manner. 2 Anthropology of or relating to the relationship between men and their siblings' children.
omg ive watched so many times over the past week its not even funny. ive watched it ever time it aired on cn except on sunday @ 11:30 cause i was at church. ive had to c it over 21 times by now. i cant wait for episode 2 even though ive seen it already...... u guys r the best. cant wait for more episode to air in canada cause ill be on my computer watching =D
Wow! TDA looks AWESOME so far! Hey, I know this in unrelated, but in TDI when Izzy and Eva came back, what did Eva mean by, "Oh! And Izzy lied! She wasn't in the woods! She was-" ??? And the way Sasquatchanakwa and the bear were wearing Geoff and Sadie's clothes??? I totally did not get that. So if anyone knows, what was that about??? PLEASE clue me in. Hey, and are you TDA dudes ever going to have a contest within this site so that one lucky person could have their TDA character on the show. . .or better yet, the THIRD seaon??? That would be so cool! I LOVE TDA and would be honored if you chose my character. . .if you ever have a contest like that. Oh well. I'm babbling. Anyways, LOVE THE SHOW! THANK YOU FOR IT!!!
i saw the second one at the haircutter's (girl) so she is like, wow these people have odd shapes. look at upside-down wine bottle head (trent) then she called harold shaggy. lol it was funny.
You know what I realized? On the opening part of TDA they show all 20 contestants. But on the first episode, they were missing 5 people. Katie, Sadie, Cody, Eva, Ezekiel, and Tyler. And what is weirder is that no one talks about them. I mean, if they put didnt put in tda why put them in the opening? Anyway,I love seeing Duncan's shocked face on the 3rd pic LOL.
im going to take the pic of duncan and scibble him out or make im look rediculas!!!! MWAH HA HA!! i really hate duncan now. gwen and trent are going to break up. i sence it. ALL BECAUSE OF DUNCAN!!!
what does avuncular even mean? BTW, what's up with everyone thinking Justin's so cute? I'm with Izzy. He sucks. I'm glad Gwen finally broke up with Trent. 'bout time, girlfriend. when'd you decide? when he started doing everything nine times, when he named a sand castle after you, or when he wanted to burn your innitial into him? I dunno. Izzy and Trent might be a good match for each other. okay, no. NEVER. I'm sorry I even thought that.
God I hate Justin. "Apparently, I have excellent tendants. See? Check it out." Uuuh. . . .ew? It's so sad that Duncan misses Courtney that much. "She's about yay tall, has beautiful brown hair, and can tear you limb from limb." HA HA! Perfect discription. That's a good one for me. . .tee hee!
i went online to find out what avuncular means: it means an uncle or a person thats nice to a kid? i don't get it! I think it might be uncle cuz of the facial hair but it would make more sense if Owen was feeling like he should nice to kids. Is that wat you guys mean??
owen's feeling avuncular. lol
I'm still not over the first episode! It was so good! I can't wait for more episodes!
the first episode was awesome....
I now Courtney is returning on episode 13 but I also heard Geoff,DJ and Cody are also returning....O_o
is that true???
I just saw the first episode and it was AWESOME!!!!!
Hi TDI im ur biggest fan i even made my own character its name is Tammy. Anyways i was hoping that u guys could have more contests or something. And the winner got to come to the set cuz i would so enter it!
xD i always love that scene with owen lol "avuncular"
lol owen is feeling like an uncle xD (or something like that...i looked it up :D )
That would be my 21st time and it was awesome! Awesome job :)
i've been meaning to look up "avuncular."
I like it when Owen feels avuncular... NO! I love it~<3
BEWARE MEAN JUSTIN APPROACHING!! LOL this is the second or third time I've seen this (watched it on Youtube) and always LOL at Owen. 'Avuncular.'
Lol, I didnt see it, but i saw it 3 months ago on youtube! ;)
haha owen feeling avuncular... that's seriously one of my favorite owen parts. I saw the first ep on thursday and I can't get over how good it was. total drama just keeps getting better, you guys rock!
That was great. I loved it. I cant wait to see the next episode. Woot. I dont have to work so I get to see it. Woot. Great job guys. So looking foward to this season and the first season DVD Release. I hope its the Canadian version but if not Im still getting it. Woooohooooo
great ep. SO looking forward to more. great job.
avuncular |əˈvə ng kyələr|
1 of or relating to an uncle.
• kind and friendly toward a younger or less experienced person : an avuncular manner.
2 Anthropology of or relating to the relationship between men and their siblings' children.
my brother just put a uncle sam hat on and said avuncalar! and then he said i am owen hear me ROAR
I'm curious. What exactly was Izzy doing with that monster? She should win, or at least make it to the end with Courtney. That would be interesting.
omg ive watched so many times over the past week its not even funny. ive watched it ever time it aired on cn except on sunday @ 11:30 cause i was at church. ive had to c it over 21 times by now. i cant wait for episode 2 even though ive seen it already...... u guys r the best. cant wait for more episode to air in canada cause ill be on my computer watching =D
Wow! TDA looks AWESOME so far! Hey, I know this in unrelated, but in TDI when Izzy and Eva came back, what did Eva mean by, "Oh! And Izzy lied! She wasn't in the woods! She was-" ???
And the way Sasquatchanakwa and the bear were wearing Geoff and Sadie's clothes??? I totally did not get that. So if anyone knows, what was that about??? PLEASE clue me in. Hey, and are you TDA dudes ever going to have a contest within this site so that one lucky person could have their TDA character on the show. . .or better yet, the THIRD seaon??? That would be so cool! I LOVE TDA and would be honored if you chose my character. . .if you ever have a contest like that. Oh well. I'm babbling. Anyways, LOVE THE SHOW! THANK YOU FOR IT!!!
i saw the second one at the haircutter's (girl) so she is like, wow these people have odd shapes. look at upside-down wine bottle head (trent) then she called harold shaggy. lol it was funny.
You know what I realized? On the opening part of TDA they show all 20 contestants. But on the first episode, they were missing 5 people. Katie, Sadie, Cody, Eva, Ezekiel, and Tyler. And what is weirder is that no one talks about them. I mean, if they put didnt put in tda why put them in the opening? Anyway,I love seeing Duncan's shocked face on the 3rd pic LOL.
HAHA Avunclar , i love this show !!! there's no show on TV like it LASHANA IS AMAZING !!!
im going to take the pic of duncan and scibble him out or make im look rediculas!!!! MWAH HA HA!! i really hate duncan now. gwen and trent are going to break up. i sence it. ALL BECAUSE OF DUNCAN!!!
what does avuncular even mean? BTW, what's up with everyone thinking Justin's so cute? I'm with Izzy. He sucks. I'm glad Gwen finally broke up with Trent. 'bout time, girlfriend. when'd you decide? when he started doing everything nine times, when he named a sand castle after you, or when he wanted to burn your innitial into him? I dunno. Izzy and Trent might be a good match for each other. okay, no. NEVER. I'm sorry I even thought that.
advuncular means related to a uncle
God I hate Justin. "Apparently, I have excellent tendants. See? Check it out."
Uuuh. . . .ew?
It's so sad that Duncan misses Courtney that much. "She's about yay tall, has beautiful brown hair, and can tear you limb from limb."
HA HA! Perfect discription. That's a good one for me. . .tee hee!
i went online to find out what avuncular means: it means an uncle or a person thats nice to a kid? i don't get it! I think it might be uncle cuz of the facial hair but it would make more sense if Owen was feeling like he should nice to kids. Is that wat you guys mean??
lol this is kind of random....
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