Hey Kids!
Today's the big launch of Total Drama Action on Cartoon Network down in the good ol' U.S. of A. I know most folks up here in Canada have watched the first 6 or 7 episodes already (over and over again) so it's good to know everyone'll soon be caught up. Here's a bit of production info for fans old and new:
Total Drama Action is animated in FLASH. The main character models are drawn from a number of angles with multiple hand positions, eye-blinks, and full mouth charts. (We've posted the character rotations before) These pieces are considered MDP (Master Design Pack) and the animation crew skillfully moves them around to make the actions that you see in the show. For the most part, the master designs cover all the the actions that the characters need to do. Sometimes though, the characters need to be in a position, or make an expression that the animator just can't recreate. For this, our posing department creates scene-specific drawings. Here are some samples of the custom posing done for the first episode of TDA
Today's the big launch of Total Drama Action on Cartoon Network down in the good ol' U.S. of A. I know most folks up here in Canada have watched the first 6 or 7 episodes already (over and over again) so it's good to know everyone'll soon be caught up. Here's a bit of production info for fans old and new:
Total Drama Action is animated in FLASH. The main character models are drawn from a number of angles with multiple hand positions, eye-blinks, and full mouth charts. (We've posted the character rotations before) These pieces are considered MDP (Master Design Pack) and the animation crew skillfully moves them around to make the actions that you see in the show. For the most part, the master designs cover all the the actions that the characters need to do. Sometimes though, the characters need to be in a position, or make an expression that the animator just can't recreate. For this, our posing department creates scene-specific drawings. Here are some samples of the custom posing done for the first episode of TDA

Wow!!! This is totally cool. My faves are the first one (Bridge and Geoff apparently falling. . .or something), and the Heather and Gwen one. Too funny. I totally love you guys. Oh, and the Owen one at the bottom looks kinda creepy (LOL!!!), like, where the top of his head is on a hinge or something. Ew. . .but AWESOME!!!
I'm looking forward to watching the first TDA episode tonight. Of course, making my family watch it with me. (LOL again.)
Haha, I love the sheet with Owen :D
In Flash? Wow, very impressive.
Can't wait for it TDA to get to the UK; then all is right in the world :]
Yay!!! Finally TDA Is Going To Premiere Today!!! I May Have Seen Most Of The Episodes But,Most Of My Friends Still Have'nt And I'm Glad That Soon We Can All Laugh And Talk About The Show Together.
Hey Guys They Made A TDA Promo For Stoked Here's The Link To It
My favorite one is the first one. Geoff and Bridgette look like they're having fun while falling (into the bouncy house?)
Lol i cant wait!!!! im in the us and im soooo xcited!!!
OMG I can't wait!!!! 30 more minutes for TDA, 2 days left of school, 17 till the most awesomeness vaca ever! Life is good..
I watched the premiere, and played their new game called Best Game Ever.
OH MAN!! I just saw the first episode! IT WAS SO AWESOME! Can't wait to watch more episodes! Also, could you put up the rest of the character rotations on the site (especially Tyler's) ? Thanks! My favorite pic of all the ones you just posted right now is Harold with the parasol, his expression is just priceless!
oooo i animate with flash too 8D but the really old macromedia one o.o;. and i animate kittys <:U
Saw teh premeire 8D That show is the best thing EVAR. D:
oh i watched it and taped it
( Owen walks slowly )
Trent: It took you 10 hours just to walk 3 city blocks?
D.J.: That's just sad.
it makes me laugh.
I saw Total Drama Action for the very first time last night, and I want to openly tell the people behind the show. EXCELLENT JOB!!!! I honestly can't believe it's better than the first series, you have have out done yourselves.
I saw the forst episode and it rocked. I hope Heather gets voted off first.
No fair to Candians for getting to see so many episodes. My BFF cheats and just looks up the videos on YouTube. LOL
These are wonderful! I absolutely love when you guys post special art for the show. Honestly, I'd love to see more production work/sketches. Those are always great! :D
OMG!!! It was the Bomb.My brother and I watched it last night. This morning I watched the episodes on youtube to episode 6. Cant wait till ep 13. I loved the Harlod and his Rubix Cube!!!!! One shocking thing. When they showed the TDA profiles on Cartoonnetwork for Duncan near the end it showed him and Gwen like falling down and laughing like they just kissed or somthing.... O.o. Im scared. Or is it just supossed to be another one of the Movie Chalenge Thingies that Chirs has planned. "What will Happen to Duncan? Will Gwen fall in love with him? Will Courtney beat the crud outa Duncan? Find out next on the next couple episodes on Total Drama Action." GO TEAM TRENT!!
On Cartoon Network They Made A New Game For TDA Called Best. Game. Ever!You Are A New Intern Who Is Working For Chris(Or Like He Said Unpaid Manual Labor)And Every Week You Help Chris Set Up The Challenges For The Cast But, Watch Out For Spiders,Bears,And Other Animals That Will Attack You(You Have A Life Bar In The Game).Once Your Tasks Are Done You Will Go Up A Rank(Your Job Have Different Ranks),And Receive A New Weapon To Fight Off The Wild Animals.You Can Also Explore The Set,Talk To Your Favorie Charaters,Play Mini Games,Buy Items And Outfits For Your Avatar(You Can Find Money In The Grass),And Be A Part Of An Alliance(In Five Weeks Though).
P.S.It Is Still Unknown If The Charaters Voted Of Will Leave The Set(In The Game)And Sorry About The Long Post
The games on Teletoon.com are WAY better. BTW, I wanted to ask if that commercial for TDA (ON CN)before it premiered was made by people who don't really make TDA. 'Cause, Chris' fingers were different and he moved differently. It's the one where Chris was in a tropical vacation shirt or something and he had a vacationy-looking drink in one of his hands. His fingers were pointed, and he moved TOO animatedly and fast. Sorry if I'm being dumb, but it almost scared me o_O !LOL!
Did anyone else see it? The Chris-Vibe felt different, too. I dunno. Maybe I'm just being stupid.
Wow on flash? I animate with that program!
Looking on youtube..
* Just saw Chris in tropical vacation shirt hosting something on CN*
Woah.. Nobody in Canada knows about Chris's secret life in Calafornia.
Nobody. O.O
OMG i have been watching TDA on youtube because over here in England TDI hasnt even finished
AWESOME!!!!! I watched the first episode and it rocked! I'm a HUGE TDI/TDA fan. anyway it was AWESOME!!!!!!
God Owen looks creepy
Owen is crazy!!!!
hey!!! i love the show!!!! i FREAKED when the tv wasn't working and i couldn't watch total drama action!!!
i LOVE TDA!!!! in fact, I used the theme song in my productions intro on my youtube account, if that's ok:
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