- yes
- no
- yes
- yes
- no
- red
- yes
- sometimes
- never
- yes
I'll leave it at that.
In answer to some of your other questions ... season 3 is already in preproduction. And nope, we're not directing it. While we LOVE the TDI/TDA series, with other projects on the horizon for Todd and me we felt we couldn't commit to another full year on the show. And we sure wouldn't want to leave anyone in the lurch. Rest assured, the show is in good hands. Keith Oliver is taking the helm as director. He knows the show inside and out -- he's been on it as animation director since day 1 of season 1. He's not going to let any of you down.
As far as what's happening to the blog ... well this is our personal blog. It's not funded or maintained by any of the companies involved with making TDI/TDA. Todd and I have been doing this ourselves since the show first went into pre-production (with everyone's permission to show artwork and stuff of course). Because we're interested in these things ourselves, we wanted to show anyone who cared what goes on behind the scenes when making animated shows. What's cool is that soon it became a bit of a fan hangout (over 1.5 million views) where you all shared theories and and your thoughts on the episodes. We have to say -- that was an unexpected bonus.
So when the time comes that neither of us are working on TDI anymore, I imagine the blog will cease to be. We enjoy the instant feedback we get from all of you, and hope that when that day arrives we'll get the same dedication from fans on our next production.
toodles, Mark (Thorny) Thornton
WHAT THE BLOG WILL CEASE TO BE??? but I love the blog! It makes my day when I get on the blog and see that it has been updated. What will we do without it?
Aww. We'll miss you Mr. Thornton. I hope that you still work on other shows and keep up the great work. Can't wait for Season 3, but I'll first have to keep on watching TDA (which by the way is incredibly funny).
You guys are amazing for putting the extra time and effort for the blog!
I been keeping u p with TDA and well let's just say I really like episode 3:10 to crazy town and that I was really happy to see who was voted off. I really don't like him this season.
Though I hope this does mean Cody returns! I would love to see him with Gwen and how they are with each other. He was really cool about making Gwen happy last season and I hope he continues doing so this season or next if he shows up in either!
But, surprise TDI/TDA blogs make my morning so bright and sunny! Ah well, such is life.
And because I'm too lazy to start a new comment about the Opening Sequence story board - thanks for posting that. It was really neat to see how close the story board and animation are to each other. That's a LOT of story board too for just the opening. I'd almost forgotten how much it takes to plan animation. (pointless tidbit -I interned at AHA studios)
wow that totally suxs how the blog will discontinue . i come here every day after school. maybe the new director can continue it or make a new blog.
aw,=(i loved the blog now my life is pointless
I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!!!! I always check for something new after school. IT CAN'T END!!!!!! That hurts in the heart!!!!!! That really hurt (that is a Chris quote)!!!!!!
Yah ok your getting a new guy tobe derectore but without u guys tdi or tda or whatever season 3 wil be it wont be the same.
tell the new peeps to make another blog!!!
The questions and their answers (I think)
your leaving? - yes
R U still gunna work with the show or r u done 4 good? - no
Is it Total Drama Musical or something else? - Yes
do you guys have ANY clue if they are brining in new characters for the 3rd season? - Yes
will you still be doing this blog?? - no
Who's the new director - red (Maybe that is his last name or something, to give us more of a challenge and confuzzle us even more?)
If it weren't for you guys, what show would I be watching on Saturdays and Sundays? xD Barney and Friends? - yes
do they record the actual people who play them... - Sometimes
or do they like cut and past together halves of words and stuff the characters have already said? -Never
Can you plz find it in your heart to plz bring Trent&Gwen backtogether plzzzzz? - yes
The key words were "since Todd said his goodbye last week" meaning the questions asked after he left. But... "Red" isn't directing, and nobody was smart enough to ask about Courtney so the DXC fangirls will stop panicking and complaining and such. *Sighs, and head desks*
Thank you for your hard work, it doesn't go unnoticed. Also what questions are these the answers for?????
Um,wow.Just...wow.I'm speechless.And....the blog will cease to be...does that mean one day there might be no more blog updates??Again-WOW.And now BOTH of you are leaving?We'll miss you so much!And...well,I'm too shocked right now to say anything else...wow...
what are the anwsers too please tell us one of them is probably courtney, but what is red? and all of the other ones! and is it look the same or have a different artist
Can you ask the new director to do the blog?
Can you please do that?
Come on just SERIOUSLY answer one question:
Is Courtney in it?
): I feel like crying.
But none the less, I'm really happy for you guys!
:') Have fun doin' whatcha do
Oh..... it looks sooo good!! But as in America, I looked up the first 4 episodes of TDA (Pesky little Me!!lol)! It is the best! I luv the 4th episode where Blanky (I dont want to say the persons name!) gets voted off! And were Gwen tells Trent that she DOES NOT LOVE Duncan ( if you seen the 4th episode you will know what i am talking about!!) And that Duncan keeps a PICTURE OF COURTNEY UNDER HIS PILLOW!!! ( that was SOO funny!)So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!! ASK Keith Oliver TO PLEASE PUT THE ORINGNAL CHARECTERS FOR TDM!!! I CANT IMANGE TDM WITHOUT DUNCAN OR COURTNEY!!!!!! I CAN DRAW COURTNEY REALLY GOOD (SORRY ABOUT BRAGGING!) ALSO I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I AM PART CANADIAN!!!!!!!! THIS IS SOOO FUNNY!! I MAY BE GOING TO CANADA SOON!! I WANT TO SEE IF I CAN BE LIKE IZZY AND CAMP OUTSIDE OF THE PRODUCERS OF TDM'S DOORSTEP!!! ( I JUST MAY!! YOU NEVER KNOW WITH ME!!!!!!) SO..... PEACE OUT, FROM,
DuncanFanGirl#1 =)
PLEASE TELL US IF COURTNEY IS IN! man, were dying, lol. but yea, I want to see how the two will be (DXC)
Due can u atleast give us a hint about when courtney comes back?Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!
Can you ask Keith Oliver if he is going to do a blog????
I hope he will!!!
ok look everyone! Courtney is coming back *mabye* but anyways HOW AND WHY does everyone like courtney? Is it becuase shes a prep and has brown hair and a (tan)? Geez shes relly annoying how can NO ONE see that lol! Plus shes rude btw and her and duncan are mean to harold and in the roxy world that IS NOT ALOUD! If courtney was a real person * *doughtful* than ide totaly punch her! Anyways sorry for the rude comments but OMG SERIOUSLY COURTNEY NO NO NO NO NO!!! SHES GTG!
Oh man! You can't leave the blog!?!?!? IT ROCKS!!!!!! Dont do that to us!
We'll miss you guys for sure :(
The blog will be discontinued!? But I LOVE to come here to the blog all the time. It is sad to see you leave as director, but I really don't want you to leave this blog. Please find the heart in you to continue it!
I heard that there will all new contestants in season 3. I like the ones we have already. I just do not want the characters to be too thin in personality and being kept compared to the old ones. At least will there be an awesome marching bandie. (I am one myself.)
You will be missed when you leave. I can't wait to see who wins season 2 and season 3 won't be the same but I hope it's good. Is it going to be Total Drama Musical? I hope not. Is it going to have new contestants? Those are the things I realy want to know. Please tell us the answers. Oh and are you guys going to put up tha audition tapes of Owen and Gwen for TDI before you go? That can be your last gift to us. Thank so much for a great cartoon.
I wonder how many seasons there will be...I hope more than 3!
*Head Desks*
No new characters in season two. Says so on the Cake website.
I can't stop panicking since i haven't seen Courtney in a while! please please tell us! and it's easy to tell that every fan will miss yall. i hope you guys can maybe tell us the answer to the Courtney question b4 you leave? please? that is all i ask! please! i know i keep switching tones but we will miss you none the less.
Go Courtney! Duncan calls you beautiful in episode 5, ya know. :)
it sucks so bad that you guys are leaving. i doubt that season 3 will be the same without you guys. the new directer guy has very big shoes to fill...
(oh and there was somthin i wanted to ask you guys... it would be really cool if you had some website where us loser americans could watch TDI episodes it would be really nice to go to a site where it has all the episodes to watch. it sucks that i cant watch some over again. and youtube can be so inefficient. so think about it please.)
--candy is fun.
ok, so at first, i didnt really understand dat the blog is kicking the bucket (im such a lindsay sumtimes♥), but now im so incredibly sad!!!!!!!!wen i realized, i walked to da garage, closed the door behind me, and screamed really loudly for a long, long time (courtney would totally do da same). It helped :D. but im still really sad. and being sad kinda sux, u know? I think u should continue to watch episodes of TDM and keep the blog and blog about wat u thought of the episodes. so it would b more of a book club but for TDM. it would b totally fun :D
Hey, I can agree with you Roxy, I don't think Courtney's a good character at all. She's seriously annoying, Duncan deserves better.
I'd rather know if more then 1 person's returning then just know if Courtney's returning or not.
Why not just let Keith Oliver take over the Blog once he's director? That would make more sense, eh! I love this blog and show, an so do my kids!
I hope this blog will NOT cease to be.
I would like to see what you posted while Season 1 was going on in Canada, though...
I hope Ezekiel is in Season 3!
He really really really really deserves another chance to show another side! Look at everyone else who screwed up!
Everyone else screwed up worse and they didn't get punished!!!
Come on you have to put him on season 3! And if not you who?!
Is there a beg to have your favorite put on somewhere poll?!!
Come on!!! He deserves to have more screen time then the bear and more then 5 lines!
Please oh Please Zeke for Season 3!
wat r the characters for season 3 gonna b like? like will they be peeps wid da same traits as the peeps of tdi/a? or somthin...or will they b totally different? i know dat didnt make sense...but ya (:
wow the blog will cease to be? that news made me depressed for a while
I am interested in knowing how the 3d effects of the trailer are done? What technique? software? where can I find out more?
ahhhhh... good times with this show... cant wait for June 4th ;)
I see the answers, but what were the questions corresponding to the answers?
I see the answers, but what were the questions corresponding to the answers?
They need to tell us. I want Courtney to be in all three seasons, and I want all the Courtney haters to leave this blog for good. And Courtney fans rule.
can i have the blog?
Now that Todd's gone, how are the characters going to act, especially Owen when we see him again in a later aftermath? Will ther be equal amount of Drama without Todd and/or Owen?
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