Hey everyone -- seeing as how we haven't put up much artwork lately -- here's the storyboard for the new opening of TDA. Todd and I figured out the whole thing with scribbles on post-it notes and in Flash, planning out all of the shots while trying to keep it as close to the original opening as possible. After that was sorted out I sat down and drew the board up in a bit cleaner fashion, using Sketchbook Pro. This final board contains all of the camera moves and scene transitions along with action notes explaining what's going on. The scenes with orange boxes in the top corner are ones that needed some 3D elements and had to be sent for modelling. The first 2 pics above show the mapping of the 3d elements and how we envisioned the moves happening. Going from here to the finished opening is a ton of work -- all of which was handled amazingly by the crew. They had to take my chicken-scratch and make it the slick full colour opening that's at the head of every episode. The team did a fantastic job, even adding some of their own extra touches.
WOW! It seems like a ton of work just to make the opening. But you guys definitely did a great job with it!
As a person who wants to go in to the arts of media one day, (film, animation, CGI, games, or any of that fun great stuff).
This is really awesome! Your chicken scratch is a lot better then other chicken scratches I have seen.
I was wondering how did you both come up with the ideas of what to do for the title sequence of TDA. Such as what should be in the background or on particular animated spots.
...And let the train of people who love the picture of Duncan and Courtney begin. (Not me)
Honestly I like the picture of E-Scope. Speaking of which, it seems like a lot of my favorite characters are being voted off. Why?
that is so freaky cool
all i can say is... WOW
OHMYGOSH!! Those were totaly Amasing!!! <3
Great job!!!
Hope Courtney comes back soon!!! <3
Why does it say "The End Kiss" by the picture where Courtney and Duncan kiss? Is that gonna be the final thing that you see in season two, or what?
the opening rox!!!!! its soooo funny and awesum how its like the old one
Wow, all that for one minute... Is every scene like that?
So that is the preproduction of the theme song, but imagine them making the episodes!! That makes a person think...
Also what confuses me is why is Courtney in the theme?
This will probably just remain a mystery. :P
Wow, great work! I saw Sasquatchanawqua's hand near the end when the papperatzzi (I think that's how you spell it) is taking pictures! I guess it was one of those things the animators put in. ;)
i love that courtney and duncan kiss and anonymous im going to be apart of that train
if you scroll really fast, it looks like it's moving! i love the escope part! it makes me lol!
I Courtney's in the theme song, she has to come on the show at some point! =)
I would love the show just as much as I used to without her, but please bring my hero Courtney back!
I heard that Courtney and Cody was coming back... I'm not sure if some crazy fan made that up so they might have a little hope in the world, but it might be true... Please Please Please Email me PLEASE!!!--- Scooter2940@aol.com
This is ... pretty sick. :)
Thanks for posting this up, guys!
I am conductor of Courtney Train!!! LOL E-Scope. Courtney's probably gonna be in. She's a very popular character. Cody too. Though I am just guessing. Hope they do! WE'LL MISS YOU!!T-T We shall never let go(Owen line)
courtney train!!!!!
Obviously Courtney's returning since she's in the opening (when I say that I mean she's featured in it, unlike Cody, who might come back). I like her, but I'm not a huge fan of her. Who I do want to return... Either Geoff or Bridgette. One of them. Not both, because you know what happens when they're together.
it seriously seems like gwen has a crush on duncan...i mean she doesnt like trent and stufff and she smiles at him a lot and looks into his eyes...its seriously creasing me. I mean, CUM ON, duncan likes courtney, courtney likes duncan, TRENT LIKES U GWEN!!!! courtney really needs to cum bac to put gwen in her place. ive got a gut feeling dat gwen and courtney r gonna b enemies dis season.
WOW, a lot of work goes into making episodes!!!!!
That made me need to watch the theme again and notice all those minor things!
Gr8! I lovve the DXC kiss!
if u are scrolling down with the mouse zoom wheel u see like they are moving!awesome!
Really nice. I am interested in learning more about the animation technique you guys used. I am a flash animator. Any secrets you guys can share? Your show is great; from the script, the character design, the animation effects; wow!!
It was long (i think!) ,
But it's important in the TV Show and Faboulous Now !!
Great Job :D
More specifically, I wanna know how to achieve 3D like takes like this one. Any clues?
(If you havent watched TDA, spoilers)
I don't really get it. Okay, it says Gwen in such a goth loner. I see that she is, but look at all the friends she (supposedly) has: Leshawna (maybe, but she voted Gwen out), Trent (before they broke up), Cody likes her, Bridgette, Geoff, Duncan... see? This is in TDA too.
i wish the second season would come to america already!
thats so cool. can you guys draw better than that? oh i get it now.
( sorry i had i linsday momment there :( ) well can you? cuz i can! not being mean though
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