Hey kids!!
Long time no post!
It's come to our attention that some folks have managed to get a hold of some supposedly "top secret" character designs for season 4: Total Drama Reloaded. We've seen these pics pop up everywhere ... even as profile photos on Facebook.
It's come to our attention that some folks have managed to get a hold of some supposedly "top secret" character designs for season 4: Total Drama Reloaded. We've seen these pics pop up everywhere ... even as profile photos on Facebook.
We're guessing that they were grabbed online from a video clip seeing as how the quality is so poor. We hate seeing poor quality images online -- so we figured you'd like a peek at the drawing that these came from ......

Wanna know a secret? The lineup for season 4 doesn't look like this at all anymore. There have been changes to names, designs and some of these characters don't even exist!! We'll leave it to you guys to figure out what if any of this has stayed the same. I guess you'll find out for sure in about a year or so when it airs. ;) Happy sleuthing!
omg O_O
I hope all of the original 24 Total Drama Campers will come back.
Huh. So that's what they look like without the censor bars. Didn't know Zoey had glasses or does she not, anymore?
Molly reminds me of an eraly gwe ndesign. For some reason.
...so there are changes like in total drama island (the tv pilot was way different from the show!)
its ok, only be careful with the plot, i want more from total drama after realoaded!
have a nice day thorny, best wishes for you and the staff!!
There are gonna be new characters?! What will happen to the old ones? And Sierra and Alejandro? The cast won't be replaced will it?! O_O And what about Chris and Chef?! I don't like the idea of an all new cast.
if mike is on the show change him with out the bot eyes it looks really bad on him
@Total Drama Fan apparently they are going to use half of TDR characters and half of TDI/A/WT characters for a season 5
I can't wait for TDR, but the one thing that bugs me is that the TDR characters just don't seem as legit, like with the details... Might just be me, but anyway, nice! Can't wait for the new stereotypes/relationships, I can sense a Lightning/Scott conflict lol : )
season 5 will be a mega season with all the cast members there. with 3 prizes
Hey Thorny, I saw somewhere that season four is going to take place on Camp Wawanakwa! Is this true???
Cameron looks so much like the character from Juno! Am I right?! :D
/end freak out.
I love you guys for posting this! I was so sick of seeing the Dev. Art pictures with the poorly drawn in eyes...this is awesome. I can't wait to see the final draft.
I really hope Mike's eyes were changed!! Also I did not see Zoey having glasses at all!! She looks more like the antagonist than Dakota!! Also I hope either Dakota, Anne Maria, Molly, Mary, Cameron, Scott, Lightning, Mike, Brick, or Jo wins. I am not a big fan os Staci or Ron, but I do like them both. I have a good feeling that either Scott or Ron is going to be the first contestant voted off. Its one of the white guys from the Radioactive Rats.
Well i don't like the new chracters... but the Producers ruined all the show in the third season ... with their "new" couples and ideas... >:(
Ron is now Sam!!!!!!!!
Thanks for posting these! <3 :D
My opinions:
Staci - Pretty good, but her eyes look very similar to Courtney's.
Zoey - I REALLY didn't expect her to have glasses, but they kinda suit her. :)
Molly - Okay. Again, her eyes kinda resemble Courtney's.
Anne Maria - She looks good.
Dakota - My favorite. You did a great job matching her eyes with her eyebrows, I tried, but failed. :P
Mary - I like the shape of her eyes, very original.
Mike - Meh, dot eyes don't really suit him and the wrinkles make him look old.
Lightening - At first I thought he looked way too much like DJ, but with this face he hardly resembles him at all. :)
Scott - He has a very detailed face, I like it.
Cameron - He looks kinda cute :P. He has a very big nose, though.
Sam - I didn't expect him to have glasses until someone said you could see a black line from them on the censored picture. He looks okay.
Brick - I'm not too fond of the unibrow, otherwise great.
You are the best! :D <33
Ugh. I already caught glimpse of the redesigns on those black and white sheets from Christian's videos. From what I saw at least, these designs look better.
to anoymous how do you know ron is now sam
Please don't change Scott! He looks realy good the way he is!
Is this what the characters look like http://totaldramaisland.wikia.com/wiki/File:TD_S4_characters.png
Cameron looks like the guy from Juno!!
Thanks for clearing out a part of the mistery about those new characters. Woah, a year or so?! Hope we can see an special sooner than that
Is this what the characters look like http://totaldramaisland.wikia.com/wiki/File:TD_S4_characters.png
ummmm -- no.
For some reason I can't help by navigate towards Mary when I look at the girl's roster. I'd love to see a hyper active gym coach type character on the show. She'd be like a cross between Courtney and Eva.
HI!....ok so here we go
Staci looks like a cousin?,sister Owen's family?
Zoey looks good with glasses reminds me a bit lindsay
Molly looks like she and Gwen are going to make friends
Anne Marie's first thought was LeShawna LeShawna
Dakota... a new Heather?
Mary definitely have to meet Eva are very similar
Mike reminds me of Cody very much i hope that this is one was one the characters there don't even exist i just... not see any potential with this one
Lightening some nephew of the Chef??
Scott seems like a Duncan Exfriend
Cameron reminds me of Ezekiel and if looks a lot like the guy of the movie Juno
Sam I dunno think it was the same comment as with the character of Mike but this time reminds me Owen
and finally Brick the male version of Eva
Good bye Thorny and Todd
i love all the total drama series
ps: dont be mad or angry about this comment i am just saying why i think about the new characters :)
are this what the characters will look like its the picture of people on the radioactive rats team
Awesome! Thanks for uploading this, Todd & Thorny. Personally, I would've liked if these designs were kept, as I really adore their designs, however I'll be okay with the new designs as well. I can't wait for season four's all new characters. It's gonna be a breath of fresh air.
These designs are so awesome!! Can't wait until TDR airs next year!
Oh, and by the way, I would LOVE to see a blog post about how you guys decide the elimination order for the show!!!! That would be AWESOME!
thorny, is there a total drama world tour special?
or the producers choose to not make one?
So those crappy designs we saw that the one you just said isn't their new designs, sorry brain twister, aren;t their redesigns? I hope not, I really liked Scott's design. Cute ginger guy! DAWWW! :D
Well, I thought the lineup was going to change eventually. It WAS originally a parody of Surviver-type shows, where there is a new cast nearly every season. I still will miss Gwen though.
However, Molly and Dakota look pretty cool, so I'm interested in seeing if their designs changed at all or if they're even on the show after all!
Plz Don't change the names of they guys and girls
and they looks
Why isn't Jo in the picture? Was he added after you guys made the original 12 contestants? And please don't say "Who's Jo", he is a confirmed character from Christian potenza's video, and Laurie Elliot is confirmed to be the voice actor for him. Is he going to have a girl-like voice?
Would you mind telling us the legitimacy of this? http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100411130410/totaldramaisland/images/1/1a/TDR.png
Great! I like surprises! :D
I would love it if you added LeShawna's friend from home JASMINE to the lineup. :)
Also I HOPE for a nice LONG postive return for Ezekiel...yeah you guys kinda of blew it on Season 3.
Forgetting him on the official flier as well as the other things....soooo not cool.
Negativity aside...
It was AWESOME meeting you guys at the Fan Expo...aka most overcrowded thing EVER!
Still it was fun and a GREAT way to start off my 9 day B-Day vacation! :)
Hope you guys liked all the fan pins! :)
Also to THORNY, MARK AND Christian Potenza...
Imagi is NOT just doing the DARE pumpkin...
She plans to do MORE then just that one! :D
But I guess you will just have to wait and see...what ELSE I have in store...;D
Wish you luck with the upcoming season...
And here's hoping for more.....
EZZY!!!! :D
Mary reminds me of Sue Sylvester (off of Glee).. I can kinda imagine her voice in my head XD
And I think there will be no TDWT special because on the TDM flipbook it only says 26'x 22 episodes or something with no '1 special' below it...
But that might just be meeeee! -Come Fly With Us reference-
You guys are awesome. Thanks for the ... spoiler? Anyways, I hope all of the guys stay, except Brick... Lightning looks like quite the antagonist. I like all of the girls except Ctaci, and that's just because her nose kinda throws me off, but whatever... Thanks again ;D
I love the new characters! So these are like the original Camp TV designs? I can't wait to see the final designs! My faves are Brick, Molly, and Lightning. Please keep them in! I want to see them on tv
Quick question, btw, if Lightening DOES make it to TDR next year or even if he doesn't, will it still be spelt Lightening in America or Lightning? I think my friend said Lightening was the Canadian spelling or something like that...
Plz Don't change the names of they guys and girls
and they looks
The only characters I like out of these are Zoey and Dakota. Can't wait to see the final characters. :3
Hey, if you guys haven'tfinished changing designs, can you give Scott a ponytail and freckles?
I hope Drew Nelson voices him :D
lol, Anne Maria looks like Shanaynay. x3
Hey are you guys casting auditions for voice actors and actresses?because I have been very interested in voicing a cartoon character.
My fav is totally Dakota, please guys keep her the way she is, she looks AWESOME!
Costume contest anytime soon?
I'm really wishing you guys worked on TDWT so we could ask you questions about it. :<
I'm getting frustrated with everyone trying to tell me in the song "Before We Die" that the first line Heather says is "Well/While some are cannon-balling"
I think it's "Well some are cannon-falling" and I've listened to that part like a million times. It sounds like a f, not a b.
Blah. Is there any way you guys know the exact line Heather says despite not working on that season? D:
Sierra: We don't need new Heather!
Dakota: New... Heather? :O
Please don't change Dakota. She is perfect.
If you still need a woman voice actor, Grey DeLisle would be good.
please,new characteres,I dont like this idea,and,I like the olds characteres(sorry,I'm argentinian)and christian,I sent a letter to Brazil des teletoon and sent to, please go there and take a letter, I invented a new character, and I just wanted to do another favor, put that my character, you have invented new and old because I know we all love those characters, that's it, thank you.
and oh yeah! i was just wondering if u are gonna be doing the halloween thing again :D
Glad to hear this isnt the lineup for season 4. Im all for new characters and everything, but not a complete cast change. Especially considering how you ended season 3 with so many loose ends.
Is there going to be a one-hour episode for Season three?
I just noticed Zoey has a tongue piercing, cool! :D
I hope they need voice actors of them and returning cast, i think.
will you be hosting the pumpkin contest and cosplay contest again this year? I would like to enter.
i like the new characters !
Looking through these comments I saw a lot of people saying they like THESE designs, the only people that don't just seem to be saying they want the original characters again.
If we're lucky, these designs will just be improved upon and we won't be missing out on getting new characters that look okay. I like these designs, but they could use small tweaking. Like I do like Scott's design, but maybe an outfit change in some manner? You don't have to put every ginger in green clothing you know, it's not always fitting. Not sure about the Super Bad looking guys, it did work for Harold though. Molly could look more original for the kind of girl she appears to be, and Mary/Brick look like total throwaways like Ezekiel.
And don't get too many of the original voices for them, it will just seem too noticeable and distracting in some cases.
HEY! I take offense to the throwing the Zeke away part! x(
The TDI crew just seem to have a running joke with a certain homeschooler MISSING from all the TDWT promotional fliers and stuff...
Hopefully NEXT time Zeke will finally get what's owed...NOT voted off first, true friendship, redemption and acceptance...and a girlfriend...I like the idea of an Ezzy pairing. :D
Going to be interesting to see who goes and who stays...on this group pic of course...hope Jasmine is part of it! :)
Oh! And I now have FOUR pumpkins (maybe 6) ready to be carved next week and after Thorny! :D
As to what I will carve besides you know who...you guys will just have to wait and see. :D
Can you post all of the character running poses I know its kinda stupid but it would look cool and I cant find HQ pics of the characters running. Thanks!!!
So I was thinking you should add a character I had an idea of. Its a girl like Izzy and Lindsay. She is nuts and random and dizzy. Her name is Kat. Her hair could be dyed bright red and her clothes could be bright and have a kitty on the shirt!
Just an idea!!
Is all the characters from last season not paripating? Please bring at least 5 back?
'Jo' is Silent B. Jo is actually Mary.
don't suggest ideas that are from other shows it'll just get them sued
You guys left so much unanswered at the end of the World Tour. I honestly do not feel that it is right to introduce a whole set of new characters, and then put questions people have had over the plot as secondary plot devices. These designs are pretty nice and I wouldn't mind getting to know these new characters, but maybe it might better once the original cast has achieved some level of stability. Just my opinion and I hope we hear some more news about season 4 soon. ;)
Why Courtney wont be in four season?!! =(
I hope it's 11/11 or something like that. Someone on fanfiction wrote a pretty cool plotline for a season 3 special thing. Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6318526/1/bTotal_b_bDrama_b_bWorld_b_bTour_b_After_The_Last_Episode
However, i doubt any will come back because there is only 13 episodes.
I find it creepy how much Molly looks like me, and my name is Molly... But I love it! XD Heres hoping she's still in it
Molly loooooks so cool! Hope she's still there!
I think theres going to be a Molly-Brick relationship.
A little bird told me that cameron is the first voted off.
Molly is like gwen
Mike is like cody
brick is like duncan
sam is like bridgette
New characters sucks. Everyone want old.
sam mike and cameron hope they stay the same and will be in season 4
I really hope the new ones will look better than this,these guys look like a bunch of bad fan-made characters
Will you start posting the new designs of these characters now that the trailer is out?
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