Hey kids!
If you got some itunes cards for Xmas and don't know what to download -- how 'bout you check out what our good friend Emilie-Claire Barlow has to offer?
Currently the #3 album on the jazz charts on itunes, The Beat Goes On is a great compilation of jazzy tunes from the 60s. I was a big fan of her as Courtney -- but a bigger fan of hers as a singer.
Congrats on your success Emilie!!
Congrats on your success Emilie!!
Emilie is such a great singer~ When I heard her sing as Courtney, I was so impressed with her vocals! Then my friend told me that she sings professionally && it all made sense! Haha.
I totally wish I had an ITunes card but maybe I can convince a friend with one to check her music out? :p
I have heard her latest album, and Emilie has a great voice!!
Hope she gets more "publicity" or something like that..she deserves it
My favorite jazz jewel who just so happens to also voice my favorite character... what's not to love?
I wish I had gotten some iTunes cards for Christmas; I only have a few of Emilie's songs on my iPod, and I REALLY want to get some of her albums. I can't get enough of her lovely voice. I mean, Courtney has Emilie's beautiful pipes and she's going to LAW SCHOOL?! Girl, you're crazy. xD
Congrats on your success Emilie, you deserve it! Team Courtney all the way! =)
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