Coming to FanExpo?
Wanna find us?
Christian, Todd and I will be at booth P105 in Artist's Alley, just a few steps from the Batmobile. Should be easy enough to find.
Wanna find us?
Christian, Todd and I will be at booth P105 in Artist's Alley, just a few steps from the Batmobile. Should be easy enough to find.
Just over a week to go!
I can't wait! Hope to see you there!
i have red somewhere on the internet that season 4 has only 13 episodes so i wanted to know if this was true.
Great! :D
Now I won't get completely lost trying to find you guys! :D
Well..probably will but still looking forward to seeing you!
Oh and have all the prices been determined and stuff?
Hope there's a Zeke T-Shirt or a Team Victory one..or BOTH! :D
Here's hoping Zeke is on Season Four...Competing for longer then one ep this time. :)
Mark, tomorrow is the 1-year anniversary of the Total Drama DVD release... you should post some season 1 artwork (and hopefully some rotations of Alejandro and Sierra) in celebration!
I really wish I could go as I want as far as going to Florida early this year and buying the dvd to Total Drama Island in the hopes of someday getting it autographed.
@justanotherzekefan -- don't expect to see Total Drama clothing line. The only shirts we'll have are black Ts with the skull -- like the one Duncan wears. (well-known trivia -- this image is the first tattoo that Todd ever got, and he tries to place it in every show he works on)We DO have TDI pin sets, fridge magnets, skull temp tattoos, and printed screen grabs.
I wanna go to Fan Expo, but...I can't :'(
sooo Thorny...I still think it would be EPIC for you guys at Total Drama to have like a Total Drama convention at Niagara Falls so that US and Canadian fans could come...and y'know, have like a trivia contest and poss. autograph signings by the actors, or like a character impersonation contest...ETC. I think that would be totally epic ;D
Can't wait my dad is suppose to get his passport so we can get to Canada (i already have mine)...."i wonder what will happen then..." quote from season 1 BETH, haha anyways how much will the items be?
I'm coming on Sunday :D
Christian's second interview with Novie is hilarious. xD
Hmm, the Bat-Mobile was just at Chicago Comic Con... it sure does get around a lot. Nananananana!
Hello! I just wanted to ask You,and I don't know how else, is there anywhere Total drama island theme songs tabs for guitar? I really like that song (I heard it in acoustic too).
Hey Mark!
Jamaica Me Sweat was the best TDWT episode yet.
But none compare to the godly first season, I'm sorry.
I have a question--what exactly is your job on the show? (Please make a post about that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's interested.)
Um...someone mentioned earlier, that they were hoping for Zeke on season four... 'Just Another Zeke Fan', right? Um...I haven't been keeping up with the series much after TDA, so I checked his page on a TD wiki and...I don't think he's going to be appearing in season four...and that I may have slight nightmares for a while...Um, yeah...
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