Hey Kids!
Well I couldn't get too far away. I'm officially back on the crew of Total Drama.
I've taken on the assignment of storyboarding a few episodes of the fourth season and have been reading the scripts and practicing drawing the characters. I expect that everyone will want to know all sorts of secret info about what's happening next on the show -- like who's in it? -- where are they? -- what are they doing?
And I KNOW all of that!!!
Too bad I can't share......
I'm really looking forward to starting -- and I'll keep y'all posted.
I am so happy the show will go on to a fourth season! I wish teenagers could work with you to help make the show even more awesome! (if that were possible of course) But I must say that I did not get to see the special for Total Drama Action. Do you know when it will be put online or shown on Cartoon Network? I would love to see it before Total Drama World Tour. Hope you guys post something on here for the people that missed the episode! Oh and you should definitely put a picture of Duncan and Courtney up with their matching tattoos. I mean, what DuncanCourtney fan wouldn't want that???? lol. But sadly I only know that from looking things up about the special *hint hint wink wink* I just need to see it. I'm so addicted to this show and I'm going to be 18 in less than 2 months! (Just so you know how well the show is done that older teenagers can enjoy it just as much.)
Thorny as long as EZEKIEL AND IZZY are BOTH on Season 4 and a certain sue happy brat is NOT...
I shall be VERY happy.
Here's hoping for a LONG season and LOTS of new images for EZEKIEL in Season 3!
And if a repeat of TDA occurs to say the least we underdogs will become very upset.
I'm scared about the new season--I heard that the old cast wont be in it!! Is this true?! Oh that's right--YOU WONT TELL ME! I mean, if I was the writer, I'd put in half of the old contestants (fan faves) and bring in another half new ones. Just a suggestion.
Nice to kno ur back cool and kno u share info wth us
you know what would be a awsome idea
to have a contest
we fill in this story board and send it to you
the winner will have there total drama clip ANIMATED!
and aired on teletoon and CN
First Comment!!!
Anyways, can you atleast tell us some of the new voice actors? maybe the ones shown on the Christian Potenza video so not to many spoilers are given out.
Also I know about the Brick character and he is by far one of my favorites because he reminds me so much of my cousin.
hye, want don't you upload some of your sketches? i like to draw so that'll helpful
Hey, do you guys think you'll ever change up the clothes for the castmates?
that's amazing!
is that a wacom pen tablet!?
awesomeeeee :)
can't wait to see new stuff!
I don't know if anyone has commented before me yet, but let me try to be the first to say this...
I liked the originally posted designs more than the ones that were seen later in one of Christian's videos! ESPECIALLY ZOEY AND SCOTT. Man Scott really looked way better in the first image. And you better not get rid of Lightning's bubble butt!
Hah, listen to me, probably the first person to complain about this unfinished season.
Yay, Thorny's back on!
No one's happier than us. Is Todd back on as well?
Hopeing You do A total drama based on ABC's The Mole
One word, Cody.
NO WAY!!! You're back on the show?! Awesome! Welcome back, Thorny!
Season 4 looks like it's gonna be awesome; 13 new characters (all of which look very promising), and who knows where it will take place! And BTW, your comment, "...like who's in it --..." To me, that implies what we've long been hoping; that some of the original 22 characters will be in this season after all! Why? Well, to me, that comment just wouldn't make sense to say that about the new characters, since we already know their names, and if they weren't in previous seasons, then there's no point in asking who's on it. But again, if any of the originals are returning, that'd be great! I mean, you guys wouldn't just give up on all 22 of the classics just yet...would you?
I'm not gonna be like those psychotic fans who DEMAND that so-and-so is on TDR, or another so-and-so isn't on; All I'm gonna say is that I hope you guys at least bring back Ezekiel, Eva, Katie, and Sadie. No characters out of all the original 22 are more ignored than those four!
...But again, we're getting too ahead of ourselves; Season 3 hasn't even aired yet!
Can't wait for TDWT and (hopefully) more secret info about TDR!
NEW characters
Staci, Zoey, Molly, Anne Maria, Dakota, Mary
Mike, Lightning, Scott, Cameron, Ron, Brick
and old characters
Eva,Ezekiel,Alejandro and Sierra
put in noah for 4th season
Too bad we can't be told any secret stuff, I'd really love to know about these new people and the challenges and all. But knowing you guys are back to work on it...then it just has to be really cool! I seriously can't wait! Are you sure you didn't know that for a while? I so wish I had your job! I want to be a storyboarder one day too, well doing voiceovers also sounds fun... I don't know about a storyboard contest like someone suggested, can you honestly do that? but maybe this year we can do an art contest with the halloween thing? I dunno?
Will this newer series be like the Heores vs Villians like the Survivor show my parents watch as I can see if they use a team with new ones on it and another one with the old ones on it but don't get rid of the older characters as we really love them alot.
Oh, so it WAS Total Drama Reloaded! Nice to know you're participating in the project, guys, and can't wait to see it! Oh, we're so close to the third season and a fourth one is on the way! WOOT!
I'm probably not going to watch it if there's too many new characters and not a lot of old ones... and I'll tear my hair out if it's all new characters and then Katie, Sadie, and Eva. Those three are just annoying.
Mmkayy, All I Want Is To Have Duncon and Courtney Back On, Any One Else It's Whatever, But If Duncon And Courtney Isn't On The Show I Don't Think I'll Watch It, And Many Other's Won't Either Like When I Courtney Got Illimenated On TDI I Stopped Watching, So, I Think You Show Put Them On And Make Us All Happy! (:
If Your Adding 12 More People For The New Season Of Total drama Reloaded,I Think It Should Be, "Heather", To Have Some DRAMA!
"Courtny", Because C'mon! Don't You Want To See Her And Duncan's Love/Hate Relashionship?,
Or Coarse "Duncan" Just Look At Him And Courtny?! That's A Hot Couple! "Owen" Because C'mon Look At Him! Too Cute,! "Izzy" Because Who Doesn't Love A Physco Cute ChubbieChaser? (: And Of Coarse "Linsey" Who Doesn't Love A Hot Dumb Bloned? (NO OFFENSE)
"DJ" Because Don't You Think About Him As A Big Teddy Bear? "Bridgette" Shes Cute And Clumsy! Who Doesnt Love That? And I Also Would Say, "Sierra", New To The Show And Absalutly Ahh-dorable!
Where There's A Sierra Theres A "Cody" He's A Underdog,He Might Suprise You,! My Last To People I Would Say To Be On Total Drama Reloaded Is To Be "Trent" And "Gwen" Me Personally I Think They Were The Cutest Couple (Other Than D+C) And I Hope Gwen And Trent Get Back Together On Season Four, And Gwen Can Get Up Off Courtney And Duncan<33, Well Those Are My Suggestions For The Fourth Season! Look,! See How Much I Wrote About Them Im Obbsesed With These Character's! Take Them Off Me And A Thousand Of People Will Be Really Disipointed,. Thank You For Hearing Me Out, You Have An Amazing Ability, Don't Let It Go To Waste.
Ok, Im Very Pissed Right Now Because On Total Drama World Tour, Your Basicly Ruining Favorite Couple's, Like, Courtney And Duncan, I Am A HUGE Fan, And Now Im Reading Something That Said Duncan Kissed Gwen In The Confessinal's,? And You Made Bridgette Kiss Alejanero,? At Least They Got Back Together Ugh, That Make's Me So Angrey, I PROMISE you If You Don't Put Them Back As A Couple, Me And Alot Of Other People, Will Not Watch Your Show, I PROMISE you That,
Hey, I Was Thinking Of Something For Total Drama Reloaded, the 12People That Should Be On It Is Heather, Alejanro, Cody, Sierra, Duncan, Courtney, Geoff, Tyler, Owen, Eva, Noah And Linsey. This Is My Idea For This Season, Cody And A New Character Hook Up, Sierra's Made About It So She Create's An Eneamy With Her, Insted Of The Love Triangle With Duncan Gwen And Courtney, Make It A Love Triangle With Courtney And A New Character From The Show Wouldn't It Be Sooo Funny To Actully See Duncan Jelous,? Like My Idea Is To Basicly Put The New People Agenst The Old People, Exept The One's With The Relashionship,? Get It,? You Should Do that,!
I don't want to post who I want, but I predict that the writers luffs these guys because they get lots of screentime, so they might be there:
Owen (He's a huge screen hog :P), Duncan, Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Alejandro (He's new but he's been getting a lot of highlight, and he's my favorite), Cody and Sierra (Cause she's news and they're just awesome.), and by force off the psycho fans, Noah, Zeke, Lindsay, and Tyler. Then last of all.....>.>.....ummmmm....I'd say DJ. He's been in all the seasons, wouldn't make sense not to make him disapear now.
And that is my predictions.
Oh God
I hope Lindsay returns for TDR
and Trent,Sierra,Harold and Bridgette too.
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