Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random request granted .....

Hey Kids!
I was asked a bunch of times to post a pic of DJ's mom,
and finally got around to it. Other random request granting coming soon.


  1. Do you think you can post pics of Josh and Blaineley, the hosts of Celebrity Manhunt? I would love to see pics of them?

  2. Zeke for Season 4!!!April 27, 2010 12:30 PM


    Random request? Okay!!!

    I want to see a new pic involving Ezekiel and Izzy. :D

  3. dj`s mom is so crazy all the time?

  4. Can you do some custom Sadie/Katie poses? Thanks! :D

  5. Yay for DJ's mom! She was so funny in the special, especially when she hit Sierra. :D

  6. Wow! This is, awesome! And it comes in really handy too. I hope you grant more of the requests as soon as you can!

  7. Thorny - could you post rotations of Alejandro and Sierra?

    And where did the rest of the blog go???

  8. Can you tell us who the voice actors for Josh and Blanieley are?

  9. I, too, have a random suggestion. This may be heard, but could it be Ezekiel winning Total Drama Island?

  10. hey no spoilers on here! us canadians haven't seen the special yet!

  11. Ohhhhh! can you like put Heather's poses with all the different hair styles she's had throught the series?

  12. Oh, yes, also I'd like you to post Blaineley and Josh's pictures and also once TDWT comes out, post HD photos. Sorry if I am asking for too much.

  13. I say we need Blainley, Josh, Sierra(Full Body), Alejandro(Full Body), and maybe Kelsey.

  14. Oh can I do a request for TDR characters? Because I really want to see a picture of either Dakota or that fat african-american guy. But if you don't then can you do some of the interns from the series?

  15. i wish she was in TDWT

  16. Chris in blue ceremony outfit would be nice.

  17. Did you notice her purse is off it's latch in the second image?

  18. Thanks, hey, I want to see Izzy in her pajamas.

  19. i wanna see more Bridgette poses and possibly Alejandro and Sierra (full body) with maybe Josh and Blainely!

  20. Oh could you do a full body image of Kelcey from TDA Aftermath 2 and the Total Drama Action Alternate Reallity?

  21. Well besides EZEKIEL of course I want to see one with JASMINE and LeShawna.

    You know the girl on LeShawna's video message from home?

    I sooo thought she would be on Season 3. Maybe Season 4 then?

    And Izzy in her pj's would be awesome!!!! :D So would Zeke....:D

  22. Oooh! Can we see Alejandro and Sierra in their bathing suits!? Or in their pajamas!? PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!!!! =33333

  23. Could you guys post the hair color, eye color, and race/ethnicity of all of the characters?

    Small things like this need verified facts to back them up so fans don't argue about it.

  24. i would like to see every singel chacter in a group photo not just the main 24 and cris and chef but every one

  25. Please put Katie, Sadie, Eva, Josh, Blaineley, Alejandro and Sierra poses (All Full Bodys).

    I'll be glad if you put these poses.

  26. Please, I wanna the Poses of:
    Jasmine, Heather's Parent, Duncan's Parent, Owen's Parent, Gwen's Mother and Brother, Katie and Sadie, Blaineley, Josh, Kelsey, Sierra, Alejandro, Eva, Noah, Heather (All Hairs styles), Bridgette, Tyler, Izzy's PJ's and Sierra and Alejandro Rotations. (Ok, That's a lot.)

  27. A request?
    The enitre cast in 20 Years.

  28. MY requests are:

    -Duncan x Gwen pics
    -Noah x Izzy pics
    -Izzy's pajamas
    -Noah's 8 other siblings
    -The entire cast's parents
    -the cast when they get married (i wanna know who they would marry! Like would Duncan marry Courtney or Gwen?)

  29. Josh and Blaineley would be awesome. It would also be nice to know how Blain's name is spelled.

  30. sierra and alejandro rotations and katie,sadie,eva,tyler and noah poses,
    and Blainley e josh from celebrity manhunt.

  31. Josh and Blainley Rotations PLEASE!!!!!!!

  32. Hate to bother you sommore but I'd REALLY appreciate a Duncan rotation. :D I know, you guys had it up for the longest time, but now it's gone and I was hoping to use his side-view for reference.

  33. Haha, DJ's mom was such a cute little package of surprises: You think she's so sweet when in fact she's as tough as nails and could be a good match for Chef Hatchet... Uh, oh, need to get that image out of my mind X _ X

  34. Excuse I hav a request. Can u post a pic of Josh, Blainely, and Brady plz.
