Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Total Drama World Tour

Lots of good guesses folks.
Total Drama World Tour is now the official name of season 3 of the franchise. Stay tuned for more info as it's made available.


Anonymous said...

that means that you will change all the plot of the serie?

Casper said...

Nice, that's really cool!;D

Anonymous said...

I liked Total Drama the Musical better.. D:

Unknown said...

Okay, so if this is now season three, THEN WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MUSICAL ASPECT OF IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Oh, and did I mention: ?!?!?

Haroldfan 26 said...

Oh my God! This is AWESOME!!!
Thorny, you dog! Misleading us for AGES with Total Drama the Musical!

Or was this a recent change?

P.S. if anyone has the time, I'd recommend seeing Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton. It was very well done.

Jam7 said...

Personally, I like this name better. Not that the old one was bad; it's just that "Total Drama, the Musical" might have some fans who haven't seen the trailer thinking that the third season would solely consist of the cast doing nothing but Broadway renditions. :)

Melissa :) said...

omg!! EEEEE!!!!

Anonymous said...

will cody and them still be in the show and the new people they will still be in becoues i was really happy that cody was in the show now he is not any more:(

Nalyd Renrut said...

I like this name better. Why did you change it?

Blicia said...


Just change the name?

Or you will make again this season?

TDWT is cool, really!

Greetings from Perú =P

Anonymous said...

Does that mean it's no longer Total Drama the Musical?

Anonymous said...

YEAH! New name! But is it still gonna be a musical?

Anonymous said...

I love the logo and TDWT is still singing and dancing its the same TDM except new opening and Chris is the only one who has new lines right? so we wont have to wait a lot for TDWT its almost done right??

cody and duncan fan+DJ said...

is evary thing the same still like same plot and same campers like cody and duncan are still in? it would be unfair id cody wasent in for 2 seasons in a row and also he dident get much sreen time in the frist season same as tyler and noha. i hope this is just a titel change but still i do like the name more then total drama the musical world tour sounds better

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO TOTAL DRAMA THE MUSICAL!?!??!!??!?!?!?? omg I really hope u meant season 4

Anonymous said...

Hope to see the Total Drama cast in Argentina :P

Anonymous said...

Hope to see a new trailer annoucing this update! :D

Underdog Zeke said...


So my last comment's prediction was TRUE! I just knew it!

Thank you guys SO much for doing this! Honestly, I'll never understand those people who actually like the original title now. I mean, some people are saying that the whole season's plot has to be changed now, but to tell the truth; all that will change is Chris's dialogue will be switched from "Total Drama, the Musical" to "Total Drama World Tour." Because, other than that, TDWT is still the same thing: traveling all around the globe, competing in various unique challenges, and all that. Even the singing/dancing aspect is the same, because "World Tour" is a term that can generally refer to when bands or musical groups go on world tours. So, yeah.

Again, thanks for the change of title, Thorny! This truly is better, because the abbreviation is more confirmed now (with the first title, some people didn't know whether or not it was TDM or TDtM); with this, it's TDWT and only TDWT. And, personally, the original title sounded more like a musical recreation of the whole series so far; this new title better captures the theme of season 3 by far!

I can't wait for more updates!

lizcat68 said...

This name sounds a lot better than the before one. :) I'm looking forward... I hope to see a trailer soon!

Anonymous said...

I knew it was total drama world tour! But what happened to the musical part of the season? is that still in or what? (i wanted to hear what the other's singing voices were like)

Esper said...

Oh and....WHOOT! *throws iPod in the air*

u813247 said...

Aw, my answer was only 50% correct: The name was right but not the purpose XD. I'm really surprised, I assumed "Total Drama, the Musical" was the official name after it appeared in the trailer... not to mention it still followed the "3 letters abbreviation" format ^_^U. Aaaaahh, you fooled us - w -. But is nice, and suits both the musical and the travelling part

EpicBacon said...

That is a lot of stuff to edit with Chris, or did he not say the title of the show that much this season?

We'll see. :D

Anonymous said...


Zninja said...

Wow... I did not see this coming.
My jaw was litaraly dropped when I saw that. I wonder why the title name was changed like that. The trailer specifically said Total Drama the Musical. Chris McClain even said it was time to start TDTM (or in his case, sang it). I wonder what there motive was for doing this. Anyway I'm sure there will still be singing envolved, but who knows what else will happen in the season. I personally can't wait for Alejandro to make an appearance. He seems like a really cool villian. I can't wait for Total Drama World Tour!!!!

Jess said...

Maybe it still is musical?

world tour like a band?


but we knew this for like 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

I think they just recently did this, because in the trailer Chris says "Total Drama, the MUUSSSIICCCALLL!" But, I just hope that it won't take longer because they'll have to do ALL the scenes where someone says it over :(

Chelle said...

I actually liked the previous idea too, but i thought it would end up being the same thing, every episode.. Anyways, Total Drama World Tour is an awesome idea.

One question though, were you planning on making all of us think that season three would be Total Drama The Musical? or did you just randomly change the whole thing?

Anonymous said...

Total Drama World Tour? Cool. Personally, I hated the Musical idea. Wait; could this mean that Ezekiel might be returning?

Anonymous said...

You mean the cast had to record some parts again? Like Chris saying "Total Drama the Musicaaaal!"

Anyway, I like both names, but at lest this gives more description about the season, because MUSICAL sounds like a season with 99% songs, 1% recap and 0% drama.

Anonymous said...

No Total Drama Musical? Aww, man That sounded so much fun:(

Username5550123 said...

YES!! I called it in the last post ( along with a bunch of others). I personally like this name better, it just fits better and gives the plot a lot more freedom to work ( no longer restricted to musicals). Can't wait for it.

Ahmar Wolf said...

I like this name better than Total Drama, the musical

Anonymous said...

Everyone Nothing Is Changing Excecpt Chris Saying "TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR" Instead of "TOTAL DRAMA THE MUSICAL"

Jackson Nestelroad said...

I can't wait for TDWT!!

cmribeiro91_ said...

I liked the new name! Total Drama The Musical was good too, but the new one is more related to the serie's content.
But, Does Noah still making part of the season?

Well, you guys are awesome!

Greetings from Brazil!


Sierra ♥ Cody... so cute and lovely.

And about Heather...I wonder if she'll have a relationship with one of the boys (of course the ones who aren't in love for somebody else) like Noah, DJ or 'till Alejandro.

Anonymous said...

So season 3 is not Total Drama is now Total Drama World Tour!??!?!
It does have a good ring to it!!! i just guess i have to get used to it!!

this rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

wait! so r u changing the whole series? or just the name??? y did u change the name???? u already had previews for tdm and everything!! no offence, but i would of kept it as tdm. again no offence. I still luv the series

Unknown said...

Man I am so stoked for this season!

one thing I really want see in this season is Courtney be more nice with the others and she and Gwen become Best Friends.

Of course I want see Duncan and Courtney together and I want see Trent and Gwen come back.

oh yeah, you know what will be awesome? if show Courtney's family!
I imaginate Michael be her brother and she have a little sister call Samanta (just Sam), and they both hate Duncan because he's hook up with they sister.

what you guys think?

Anonymous said...

Total drama the musical was so much better - change it back!

alejandro said...

If you ask, yeah my real name is Alejandro.... the third season would be awesome!!!!! I hope the final 3 competitors are: Zeke, Alejandro and Noah

Anonymous said...

Please tell me, are you ditching the musical concept? Because I'd prefer it that every episode doesn't have musical numbers in it. The globe trotting I dig. And I hope there's even a slightest chance of Gwen and Trent getting back together because I'm uber loyal to Gwent.

cap1727 said...

I wanted Eva to be in this season.
I'm sad now :(