Hey guys! Teletoon recently sent me these pictures from their Toronto and Montreal offices. The staff there were asked who they were voting for in the finale and were given T-shirts to show their support.

"Your Canadian readers can catch a TOP SECRET preview of the final TDA episode by signing up to the VIP http://bit.ly/6ENU6j. Teletoon.com is accepting votes for who wins here: http://bit.ly/7bI9YJ"
Our Frends in the US of A can vote here:
I'm voting for Duncan ! I hope he wins TDA, cause he deserves it!
Duncan! Duncan! Duncan! WOO!!
I can't wait for the finale round 2. I hope Beth wins but it's most likley going to be Duncan. He has way more fans thant Beth does. I'm voting for Beth as many times as possible to help her win!
I can't wait for the finale round 2. I hope Beth wins but it's most likley going to be Duncan. He has way more fans thant Beth does. I'm voting for Beth as many times as possible to help her win!
I still can't believe that we actually con vote as to who wins the season. I NEVER thought that the finale would be like this.
I'm torn between Beth or Duncan. *sigh*
omg is there one is New York??? now you've made me soooo sad and jelous! im getting wrapped up in the drama!!!! and i would totally put those temorary tattoos all over my face cuz im a total die-hard Total drama fan!!! i would scream if i got any of that stuff!! plz bring the drama 2 NEW YORK!!!
voted duncan over 50 times
why are duncans piercings green?
Awesome! I wish I had a Team Beth shirt! They really need to come out with shirts for us to buy! I don't care if they were $100, seriously! I would buy it! And I see an Izzy standee! I would love one of those in my room!
Awww, how could you leave us hanging like that? (go duncan btw)
Where can I get a vote for beth T shirt?
Izzy standee!! Who cares about the shirts? GIANT IZZY STANDEE!!! :D
You have one of Ezekiel too? EZZY standees!!! AWESOMENESS!
And I voted for Beth.
PLZ get Trent and Gwen bak together! Trent isnt competing in TDM. This is their last chance!
i know that our votes are pointless in who wins, since you guys have already made the ending, i think the votes are just to see who people want to win, am i right?
wait does this mean you made two endings for the finale? O_o that's awesome!
I doubt the vote will do anything but that's me. I think Beth will win even if Duncan has more votes for the USA. Or if there are 'two versions' they'll show the winner of the voting and if the the voting winner isn't the canon one of the 3rd season they'll go 'psych' and show us the canon one.
Thursdays have been my favorite day of the week since TDA started. And when Survivor started... XD It got an extra hour better!
There's actually some Beth fans? 0.o Gasp, who would've though? My vote goes to Duncan, though. xP
how would this work though, the season drawing was over already? i dont understand it
Duncan FTW! =]
Come on peoples, vote for him!
Teletoon has staff? I thought it was run by robotoids from some far off planet or galaxy, with the only human involvement being the mighty Dan Petronijevic doing the promo voice work.
Though I know Beth is gonna win..X(
I hope not.
Where do u buy this shirts?!!!!
Why can't the merchandise come out?!
Please let them sell b4 xmas!!!
Is Ezekiel in TDM??? He was shown in the trailer but isn't in the flipbook. I know that many fans are arguing over this issue. Can you please give us an answer?
Lol i wish they picked out random TELETOON fans in Mississauga LOL oh well, VOTE FOR DUNCAN!!!!
As long as Ezekiel is on Season 3 I couldn't care less if the studio was run by ice cream eating alien monkeys.
I think it would be funny if Katie and Sadie were the final two in one season.
BETH, BETH, BETH!!! C'mon Beth I know you can win this =) I'm only voting for Beth, because Duncan has almost been voted off twice and Beth has never been close to being voted off xP
Can I get a team Cody shirt? :D
Here is the best Chris quote ever!
I bet Ryan Seacrest'sss driver would be able to fly the car.
Chris moved up in rank on my character list.
I think Duncan should win and would win if teletoon actually follows through thier plan to have the people vote for the winner. eth is gonna win cause that was the choice for the staff and anyway Duncna is in TDM and is the first one eliminated, am i right, cause I think Egypt is the first episodes challenge. I know I'm right.
Hey, Thorny...
A billion years ago you posted the pictures of some of the way too talented voice actors.
We never got the pictures for Cle Bennett (DJ/Chef), Drew Nelson (Duncan), Emilie-Claire Barlow (Courtney), Carter Hayden (Noah), Peter Oldring (Ezekiel/Cody/Tyler), Julia Chantrey (Eva) or Lauren Lipson (Katie or Sadie, can't remember which). Anyway, if you could get ahold of those it would be amazing, so PLEASE! We are all wondering what they look like.
Team Cody all the way!!! By the way, I think the Hole in the Wall tv show parody is hilarious!
Haroldfan 26
Thorny did post ther pictures of Courtney's voice actor. You just need to look harder :)
To Anonymous...
Thanks, I guess I'm blind (XD) but it doesn't really matter; I don't even like Courtney!
Thanks much! :)
Where Can I get one!!!?!?!?!?
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