And the winners of the 2009 TDA Hallowe'en contest are:
The CHEF pumpkin by Jackie

Congratulations to them! They will be receiving signed dvd copies of the first season of TDI -- as soon as Todd and I manage to get copies and sign them. Thanks to everyone who joined in this year -- I hope we can do this again next year too.
Yeah the CITPrincess did awesome and so did Jackie! Congratz!
OH YEAH And here's some info about the TDI timings in Canada now so the finale will be December 3rd so I think TELETOON is gonna catch up cuz they have 3 hours of really awesome so i think we're catching up so yeah.
Congratulations to Jackie and CITPrincess! Both of you did great.
YYAAAYYY!!! Two of my favourites won!! I'm so happy for them, they did an AMAZING job! HURRAY FOR CITPRINCESS AND JACKIE!
WOW! That person that dressed up like Courtney did an AMAZING job! Congratulations to her indeed!
Congrats everyone! :D I'll be counting down the days to the next Halloween contest. Next year, my pumpkin shall reign victoriouuuuuus!!!!
My costume's gonna win next year! I'ma start on it TODAY!!! I'm thinking of doing Sierra.....oh but who cares about that! Next year, I'm gonna enter an AWESOME COSTUME THAT'LL WIN! you'll see. you'll all see!
Oh an PS: Congratz 4 Jackie!!!! Good job on your pumpkin it was awesome!!! Oh, and Courtney-impersonator....oops! I guess I just ran out of congratulations! Sorry! *coughs*not*coughs*
Would of been nice to know who got 2nd of 3rd even if they don't get a prize XP
Congrats to the winners!
:O Thanks SO MUCH you guys!!
Glad you liked it!! :D
Yay! I'm so happy CITPrincess won! congrats to her! She did an amazing job, as usual!
CITPrincess did amazing, she deserved to win after all her hard work to find/make those costumes. the pumpkins were amazing too.
Congrats CITPrincess, but I will reign next year as Courtney, so all of you better watch out because I intend to win!
yeah citprincess won!
CtiPrincess did great!!! So did Jackie :) Total Drama Action/Island rock, I don't know what I would do without if :o
Everyone did an awesome job on their costumes and pumpkin! Can wait till next year, who knows what might happen?!
~ SamyIzzy (aka Duncan/Trent#1FanGirl)
Those pumpkins were amazing, Jackie, way beyond anything I could've even tried to do. XD You've got some skills!
And CITPrincess won! That's a given, she does an amazing job with all of her Courtney outfits!
I love seeing all the costumes and I'm contemplating trying to dress up as Beth next year, I won't win, that's for sure, but It'd be fun to try. ;P
Great job, guys!
Sooo, is Ezekiel gonna be in Season Three? I'll be ticked if he gets voted off early.
Congrats to the winners! You lucky people, you! D: I would've entered, but I didn't have access to a computer for 3 weeks. Dx So there was no way for me to get the pic up. Oh well, hopefully this will happen again next year. Cx
And I'm still a Courtney fan, Katherine. xDD Courtney's like my favorite character, though it's a bit hard to choose.
Hey Thorny I have a question for you.
When does Total Drama: The Musical air in the USA?? And I'm sure all of us want to know the answer.
I've some rumors that it airs December 3rd in Canada. Is that true??
Thanks!! And I hope you give us the answers soon!!
*sigh* I didn't win as Courtney... Oh well :(
if i posted a picture i could of won this
bee bee bee bee bee bee
WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! GO JACKIE, GO CITPRINCESS, GO JACKIE, Go CITPRINCESS! That pumpkin and those four costumes are AWESOOOMEEE!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!
COoL! HArDwOrk shouLD Always Be NoticEd! Yeah!!
Wow!! CITPrincess did a REALLY great Job !! Wow!
She really deserved it!
I had no chances against her !^^
Are you going to put on the website archived peices from when TDI was on Canada?
Hey Thorny could you please tell us the official cast of TDM? There is some confusion if Ezekial and Eva will be in it or not. Please!
good for her!! she did it soo well! haha and thx for the ideas! now i know just what to do for next yr!
Just saw thwe newest episode- loved it!
So shocking about what happened.
Not so sure if you all had seen it yet or not.
CITPrincess, amazing costumes, you really captured Courtney, even in just your poses it was all perfect, I look forward to next year... when I might enter the fray, it seems Geoff was lacking representation.
OMG Beth and Duncan are final 2!!! Just saw on me very own TV!!! But I have to wait TWO WHOLE WEEKS for the final race for the million!
Sorry, guys, I know this message doesn't have to do anything with the post and I already write my congratulations for the winners, but I don't know where else can I write this. I've just seen episode 24, and probably I should wait for the last 2 episodes to see what happens; however, I can't stand the dissapointment and frustation I'm feeling right now after watching the last survivor of my three favourite couples suffering the same fate the other two had: being destroyed by this season. I think I'm not the only fan asking the same question: WHY? We waited the entire season to end up heartbroken?
Just letting you know, CN just aired episode 24 yesterday, and they will be airing episode 25 in 2 weeks due to Thanksgiving. Teletoon has been catching up by airing back-to-back episodes 21 and 22 this week and 23 & 24 next week.
So it looks like both CN and Teletoon will be airing episode 25 on the same day (Dec. 3) if this press release is any indication:
With this info, hopefully you're able to catch up on posting images from the episodes you've skipped so far.
Since this is a 26-episode season, I can assume the last one is the final Aftermath?
JUST NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!
I . . . I AM UGHHH!!!!
I'm sorry for getting mad at u guys but seriously plzzz in TDM make DxC happen???
And atleast make her a bit nicer!!!
I can't believe TDA is down to two people. It feels like just yeasterday I was soe excited about the permire and now it's almost over. Go Beth!!!
Hey Thorny! Could you suggest to...err...Red that for (if there is one) season 4 it would be holiday themed challenges? Total Drama Holiday? Thanks in advance!
Hey I think TELETOON is up to date soo plzzzz start posting screen grabs (i havcent watched TELETOON for a while so idk i watch it on yt) but anyone who watches TELETOON might know.
i just hope citprincess is not like 30. that would be creepy
Congrats CITPrincess. I can't wait for more posting?
So glad CITPRINCESS won! She looks just like courtney if she was real.
..i look more like Courtney.
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