Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hey kids! Just a quick update. Sorry there haven't been any posts in a while but this last week was spent in Ottawa at the International Animation Festival. Lots of great short films and a sea of film makers and fans.

There was even a Meet the Film Makers panel where folks got to chat with Tom and Jen about the creation of 6Teen, Total Drama, and Stoked.
We've been receiving a lot of costume pics -- some really good ones too! So if you haven't already entered, please do. tdiblog@gmail.com
I hope to post more stuff soon


  1. I want to join, but I am waiting for my cowboy boots to come in (I am Lindsay) you said the due date is for November 9th so I will send it in right after Halloween!

  2. Can you please post some episode pics and costume pics? I can't wait to see who wins!

  3. soooo....... you actually posted something, and what do ya know, its just over slightly boring. hasnt the newest ep of TDA aired in canada yet???

  4. Hey TDI Crew! I sent mine in, I hope it comes up on the website!

  5. Hi Thorny I have just one quick question. When will the total drama series air in asia, you know a chinese, japanese, korean, hindi dub.
    Ok, thanks

  6. Hello, This is Jess. Hi :)

    Anyway...This may seem a bit off-topic but I recently watched Basic Straining from TDI and I completely forgot about the Thriller dance scene.

    I actually like the little mix that was made (very catchy by the way) and I wanted to know if there was anyway when you get a chance to post a download of that song clip. Especially since Michael Jackson is presumably very popular around this time.

    Thanks! Jess.

  7. I think Courtney is hiding in one of those holes in the ground. She pops out only to scare.

  8. I gotta buy a pumpkin but my parents are being lazy.
    I want to carve a silhouette of Courtney and Duncan [Even though Izzy is my favorite character] but I need a pumpkin x-x

  9. Hey, Thorny!

    I so wish I could've been there at the festival. Must've killed =)

    Just slightly (well slightly is kind of the understatement of the hour) distressed over the strnge changes in Teletoon's schedule. "Awesome 3-Hour something has stopped airing all FreshTv stuff, albeit a "Dude Of the Living Dead". I'm seriously missing my Stoked, TDA, AND the last few 6teen episodes. Wonder if you knew anything about that.

    LOVED the Stoked Halloween special. The ending was a Reef&Fin fan's DREAM :)

    Anyways, my costume pics will be coming in shortly after Halloween.

    By the ways, peoples, check out Thrill The World (http://www.thrilltheworld.com).
    It's for the foodbank, so watch and donate, or at least donate :)


    Loving my fresh, fresh, FRESHTV,


  10. Hey guys, will you be posting pictures right after Halloween like last year ?

  11. Lol i still have to get a pumkin I BETTER HURRY!!!!

  12. Hi I'm from Turkey. When is there going to be a Turkish dub of the shows?

  13. Nothing on the new episodes?! D: aw man...

  14. I really wish I lived in Canada. I am acting out Lindsay on tdilindsay.blogspot.com

  15. two things i wont to know why is their TDM videos out when TDA is still playing? will you be a part of seson 4 and 5?

  16. This is off-topic, but Ezekiel appears in the promos for TDM, but not on the Cake TV site.
    Do you know anything about that?

  17. Oh and also...is there any chance you could possibly post some slightly 'in depth' things concerning the first 1 or 2 episodes of Total Drama, The Musical?

    I know a lot of fans of the show are very curious about the voice actors for the new characters. Also we'd like to know about the specific characters that will be competing. I know in the preview they show a good list of those returning, but it would be a lot easier if you told us directly to avoid any confusion. Hey, it'll give us more to look forward to.

    Thanks! -Jess

  18. Ummm, I saw Owen in the preview for ep 21...I hope he doesn't come back.

    To Thorny...
    If you saw about the Harold and Izzy stores...
    Did I mention that across the street was a Kauffman Tires? :)

  19. It would be so interesting to see ALL the TD cast in a fourth season.
    But the fourth season being something they think they can handle but cant, TDH total drama high school. They either get tricked to think they're going back to real high school (or) actually agree to do another season thinking it will be easy, whens its 10x worse than real high school. Two classrooms (teams) detention(walk of shame), The challenges are different subjects(or something else), use the different rooms in a school for different things. Just an idea. =]

  20. I agree with the Total Drama High School idea! But in this season, what if no one got eliminated (it's school), but whoever has the most points at the end wins?

  21. Owens' coming back! For Chris to stick it to Courtney!!!

  22. Yay I Finally Sent My Pic In

  23. I was thinking if you fail a test, you get voted off lol.

  24. hey! cant wait to see who wins!!!!!! get owen out! ok out out out out!! i hate him!!!1 he will leave if its the last thing i do!
