Friday, June 19, 2009



Mary said...

I wanted Bridgette to win last year so not even getting a chance this time...that's pretty bad. That was a great ep though. I liked the end where Trent chose to save Gwen's necklace instead of taking the egg. That was cool. Yeah, being so much like Courtney and I still swear someone is under my bed with a notebook taking down ideas for the show, I hated the whole slime thing, but great episode otherwise. Are those awards like foil covered chocolate bunnies or something? It looks like Gwen wants to eat hers.

Apples928 said...

Bridgette gets voted off first with Geoff. I guess that hair color matters when you are in the contest. Anyway, I think Courtney should win. Clothing colors matter too. Why? Cause Courtney is the only female character on the TV show to wear green pants, which makes her pretty.

Baylee was here said...

Hehe i luv the Heather...she tottally got blasted!

Anonymous said...

Wow... I was pretty shocked with this ep's elimination... even though I saw it coming. And yes, I think they are "chocolate awards" haha. This was a great episode, however.

Taylor9080 said...

NO GWEN AND TRENT ARE FORCED ON TO OPPISITE TEAMS!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO! im sorry they are ment to be on the same team.

Taylor9080 said...

oh yeah, gwen looks like she is going to eat that. the guiled chris i want one!! NO IM GONE!! wa

tofsilver said...

Oh man! The second episode was so COOL! I just keep hoping that Harold wins!

Anonymous said...

now i like geoff and bridgette but they never stop sucking each others faces off. i think duncan should win. GO DUNCAN!!!!

homsar1234 said...

I'm glad Geoff and Bridgette got voted off, because they were really annoying. And I'm hoping that Harold will win. And those awards may be chocolate, I saw a commercial where Owen just slid one right into his mouth ;)

Taylor9080 said...

dont eat it!!! then trent looks like hes thinking about eating it. dont eat those.

Taylor9080 said...

my favorite part:

chris: oh and no peeking or it's na na, na na na na, hey hey GOODBYE!

i <3 that song. oh and when one of the sox team members leave they have that song. go chris go chris its ur birthday go chris! i gotta quit my babbling.

dxc 4ever dxg 4never said...

Man. I saw Chef on that episode & I feel for him. Having to do a bunch of stuff & not getting paid in a while really stinks.
Though this is how Chris sees it a diffrent way.

Anonymous said...

The episode was so awesome! I liked Owen kept farting all the way to the bathroom and farted on Geoff and Bridgette. By the way, how did you get those awesome screen caps without the CN on the bottom? :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't see Geoff and Bridge IN the Lame-o-zine. When did the ep show that?? Just wondering if I pulled my eyes away from the TV before I was supposed to. LOL

aangtakboy said...

Chef: I hate my life! lol!!!

Anonymous said...

So, are the Gilded Chris awards chocolates shaped like Chris wrapped in golds wrappers? CONFUSING

Taylor9080 said...

CAN I HAVE ONE???? I WANT TO EAT IT! sorry i wrote in caps.

Melissa :) said...

Aww thats great that Bridgette and Geoff are together, but it sucks they got voted off for kissing. But it was a funny episode and I cant wait for the new one next week!!!!

Joëlle said...

Thank you very much for the pictures ^^

For Anonymous who said:
Hey, I didn't see Geoff and Bridge IN the Lame-o-zine. When did the ep show that?? Just wondering if I pulled my eyes away from the TV before I was supposed to. LOL

This moment is AFTER the ep. when they got voted off.It's a special moment,a special video...
You understand ??

Anonymous said...

Haha, they are chocolate! It was revealed in the third episode!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Thank you, Joelle! Even though I didn't see it. Is that a special Canada thing, or just a commercial? 'Cause I watched 6teen after the ep, and didn't see it. Is it a commercial that plays later on? I'm confused. Again.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, ohmygod! I LOVED this episode! I just don't know how you guys do it all. Hey, but where are the screenshots from the last two episodes? You usually post 'em. . .

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, ohmygod! I LOVED this episode! I just don't know how you guys do it all. Hey, but where are the screenshots from the last two episodes? You usually post 'em. . .

Taylor9080 said...

i took the pic of izzy with the gun and made it look my self. MWA HA HA!!! sorry i just played dart tag as our challenge for me and my friends tdi. ha ha im trent!!! mwa ha ha!

Taylor9080 said...

lol. ill eat anything. in mexico i ate a cockroach. now i want to eat a guiled chris.

Capella(Ella)&Izabell(Izzy) Dasha said...

Escope vs Chef again woo! Escope should have won though. I LOVE Izzy or whatever her name currently is! I tried to be Izzy 4 halloween but i only got her skirt so every thursday while im watching it i ware it. like eva said gwen and trent stink, Go team Izzy!