Hey Kids! --
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday with your friends and family.
Our pal Megan and her sister sent us these pictures of some Christmas ornaments they made.
She tells us that in her family it is tradition that they make ornaments that symbolize something that they did or enjoyed in the past year.
I'm honoured to think that TDI made the cut. Thanks guys!
See you next year!
xD I thought those were cookies! but those are way cute! I now see the hooks on them :3
I love them!I wish I could have one:) And first comment!
Those r so cool! Is the person who made those Megan Fahlenbock the person that plays Gwen
Awww! Cute!
Hmmm... Maybe I'll make one for Izzy...
wow!chris is so cool! happy holidays guys!!
Merry Christmas Todd Kauffman, Thorny and ALL TDI fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That looks cool.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
How did you make those
I want one with Izzy on it
They're school
Cute! I want one! (Next year? You're not updating till next year? D: Oh noez!)
Those cookies look yumolicious! xD
JK, I no there ornaments, but ther still cool
omg i want those
awsome idea
omg I made one with
Dj Screeming Its So Awesumm
AAWWWW!!!! I love the one of Duncan!!! That must of been hard to make!! Great skill! <3 hehe! Happy Holidays to everyone who reads this! <3
That is so cool! Freaky thing though: My name is Megan and I also have a sister...
haha! those are so cool im gonna get clay and make some right now!
how did they make them
Thos look cool. Realy cool. I was wondering are you guys going to make a Total Drama Island video game? If you do I would go all the way to Canada to buy it if it wasn't available in the US.
befor i read any of it i was thinking
"what the.......!"
Yeah, those really do look like Christmas cookies!
Mmm... cookies.
They are so FETCH!
*Katie and Sadie moment*
Speaking of Katie and Sadie they are my two favorite characters on this great TV show. So could you possibly after the holidays post Katie and Sadie character rotations because Im working on a TDI collage and it cant be TDI without Katie and Sadie!
Thank you and happy holidays!
haha. those are cute.
nicely done, too.
i want 1 with courtney and duncan kissing
OMG when I first saw those I thought they were cookies. I bet duncas would be EXTRA YUMMY! XD
Okay, so I llllllllooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee these ornaments so much!!! They were probably made of felt!!! I agree with the person who inquired about the TDI video game... make an awesome one for the Wii!!! Lastly, I think it would be great to see more character rotations. We still have a Sadie, Eva, Owen, Leshawna, Tyler to see, as well as a Katie with more images! I'm using them to freehand draw the characters in my spare time. It is a lot of fun! Katie and Sadie Fan... Good luck on your collage!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy New Year!!!
P.S. Sorry for the overuse of exclamation points!!!
Wow,those are really cool!I thought they were cake at first,lol.
Merry Christmas Todd and Mark and everyone else!!(or Hunnukuh or whatever)
Hey maybe for Christmas you can give us a sneak peak of TDA as a present:)
One Of the TDA challenges Should be a Christmas Special.
Bring Cody Back PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg! theyre so koolio!! i thought they were cookies!! lol! happy holidays!!
ill try to make cookies.........
i can just imagine
I know who ur bringing back for TDA but her is who I wanted you to bring back (in order of elimanation.)
Heather (I hate her but she brings all the drama.)
Courtney (I hate her maybe even more then Heather.)
Gwen (She's okay but I think she gets a little too much attention.)
Trent (he couldn't focus on the challange since Gwen got voted off.)
Sadie (couldn't stop talking with Katie.)
Katie (couldn't move on without Sadie.)
Justin (insulted Katie and Sadie and was rude to is team-mates.)
Beth (Izzy gave accidently slipped her amizonian postion in to Beth's mouth and Beth started acting crazy making her team-mates lose the challange.)
Izzy (not only was the postion incident found out about, but Izzy made her team mates call her E-scope and this was very annoying.)
Eva (she became all nice and stuff and she anoyed her team.)
Lindsay (she threw up on her team similar to Bridgette.)
Tyler (he worried about Lindsay and was distracted.)
Bridgette (altough she was not supposed to be a part of he series, plans changed and she came to camp along with her BF, Geoff and was sent home.)
Geoff (was angry at the campers for voting of his GF and went crazy.)
Harold (picked is nose)
Cody (peed his pants.)
Noah final two. lost.)
Ezekiel (winner!!)
They look like cookies. *Dribbles*
I like the Duncan one best. Why? Because he's my favorite character.
Merry Christmas Todd Kauffman!
I made some fanart for TDI christmas themed! :))
p.s. these are soo cool!
This is kinda off topic but...do you guys go on youtube and look at all the fan dub videos people make of TDI? cause a lot of mine and some friends (even some none TDI ones) are linked to your blog and I feel kinda embarrassed now .////.
oh those are ornaments? i thought those were cookies! :D i wonder how they did that though....would love to find out so i could do that too! Also im on full support for the people who are suggesting the TDI videogame. cannot wait for TDA! Merry christmas TDI/TDA people!
I really am bummed about how Cody and Tyler aren't in TDA. They were 2 of the first people to find the million. I know Courtney was totally part of it, but no matter, she's still my favourite girl. She's awesome. Except for not letting the group get the case.
Oh well... at least Cody will be in the talk show...
those are awesome! i wish i was tht talented bc i would have all of them! and id probably keep them out all year :p
There should be a tdi christmas special :]
My family made chrismas cookies of EVERYONE in TDI including chris and cheif
Whoo, thanks for posting these!
To answer the questions: they're made from Sculpey, I'm not Megan Fahlenbok, and Chris was more difficult because of his 5 o' clock shadow.
Awsome ordiments! [no clue if that's spelt right] I know Chrismas is over but are you going to make all of the characters? My favorite is Trent. Would it be hard to make because his chin has a loop at the bottom? (I call it a butt-cheak chin! Lol!) But great job though!!! One more thing... Who is Sculpey?
Hey when is total drama action airing again, it's some time in January right? Also why doesn't CN air Total Drama Action the same day as the Canadian air date? I mean were both on the same page now... ANYWAY, can't wait!
Hey, was the escaped-psyco-killer-with-a-chainsaw-and-a-hook episode a halloween special? If so u should make a christmas sprcial 4 TDA! it wouldnt have 2 exactly do anything with christmas (or it could be a chistmas movie challenge), like, uhhh, i dont know, a snowball war or somethin'. and it would b cool 4 a ornament of the bear/ Molotov. or the TDI/A logos. or DJ yeah merry christmas/happy new year TDI/A cast!
tdi tda tdm tdd that is all of the sesens
ok.. i was reading the synopsis for tda and it says courtney will be in it.....is there some thing you are not telling us?
tdi tda tdm tdd that is all of the sesens
wats tdd
i just made cookies that are shaped like Lindsay and Izzy
luv the ornaments- soooo fly! (lol)
i luv TDI keep up the great work!!!
As Harold would say Awesome. I hope Harold wins TDA.
OMG IF COURTNEY IS IN IT THEN MAKE HER SHUT UP! I HATE HER SHE IS SO ANNOYING. You should make a part where when shes yapping about how shes a C.I.T make leshawna punch her in the face PLEASE.
This should be the order of ilimonation and the reasons ( soz foe spelling)
1. Courtney becuase she wouldn't shut up about being a CIT and plus she lost the challenge for the team and she was being greeding and bossy
2. Bridgette for accidentaly pushing Gwen cody trent harold and heather into a boiling pot of water
3. Harold for hitting on leshawna and kept trying to win her over
4. Geoff for refusing to do the challenges becuase he couldn't do them without bridgette
5. Duncan for not helping out his team with ANYTHING
6. No one got voted off becuase everyone decicded to try to vote of chris but the plan backfired and no one got voted off
7. Izzy because she lost her pills and threatened to kill everyone on the island which led people into a crazy hiding game hiding from Izzy
8. Leshawna for keeping her mind on being mean to heather when heather was being nice to everyone
9. Lindsey for being so weak and spoiled
10. Beth for breaking gwens leg
11. Gwen because the team wanted her to not have to go through the game with a broken leg
12. Trent for telling people to vote him off so he wouldn't win the money like gwen wouldn't AWWWW!
13. Owen for being so discusting
14. After gwen FINALLY recovered she came back to the island revenging againts her team since she wanted to stay
15. On the last episode Justin gets pushed into a greasy beacon vat and gets pimples blemishes ect ect gwen wins becuase of how awful and manipulative justin was to his team . He was so distracted by his beauty that when he got the pimples he threw himself to losing and gave gwen victory say " I cant win if im THIS ugly"
YAY GWEN! But this all goes together!
I bet later in the show They going to force Courtney to admit SHE LOVES TDI and then they will let her in.. Just a guess
I CAN NOT WAIT FOR TDA!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!! WHO HOO!!! god... i am so tired right now... *passes out on keybored*dsuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ernt
OK, so I have an idea!!! In Harry Potter 4 (since there are movie challenges in TDA) there is a giant maze and the goal is to get to the center. Well, in the first episode the challenge should be all 14 "castmates" have to go in the maze. In the center, there are 8 stands w/ buttons on them. The first person to find there way to the center gets to push any button. The LAST person to get there gets 3 extra votes added to their vote-off total on the first challenge that has an elimination ceremony. So what happens is Owen runs into Izzy and Heather into Harold, and then Chef enters the maze as a haunted figure to scare everyone. He first finds Leshawna who hightails it out of there, running right into Lindsay. Next is DJ who takes a wrong turn while screaming/running that he leaves the maze by accident and has to start over again. Bridgette who is being a major klutz, figures to climb to the top of the maze to have a better view and walk up there. Beth has the same idea. As Beth gets to the top, Chef follows her, and scares her enough to make her fall off the top, right into Justin's arms (he was on the other side, just by irony). There begins Beth and Justin, but not before Chef comes and freaks them out. Gwen and Trent are together walking around in circles right near the center, while Geoff is sad he is not near Bridgette. DJ is doing fine, until he encounters spiders, and runs..... fast. Duncan is making his way fine, and he even is able to hide right in front of Chef's eyes (using his juvy skills). Everyone is closing in on the button panel center. Lindsay says to Leshawna she sees some light through the hedge (the maze is made of bushes, big bushes), and Leshawna does not, and figures that she'll need glasses or something. So those 2 arrive at the center, at the same time as Gwen and Trent, Izzy and Owen, and Duncan. So which one of those 7 pushes the button??? None of them! In a twist, Bridgette makes it to the center, and she is still on top of the hedge. She is climbing down to make it, and she uses a twig sticking out as a footholder. Unfortunately, it breaks, she loses her footing, can not regain it and accidently lets go of the side. She falls, and Geoff comes in and sees this, runs to go catch her, everyone is really freaked out. Especially DJ, who just arrived, who starts screaming and running in circles. Bridgette falls down about 10 ft into Geoff's arms, knocking him backward. Bridgette's hand tries to grab something, and she hits the nearest button to her. Afterwards, Beth and Justin arrive, and so does Chef. The last people to make it are Harold and Heather. Now, Heather was relying on Harold to track them to the center to get first. She realizes they are last, blows up in Harold's face, and demands that Harold receives the extra 3 votes. Chris swoops in on his helicopter, and shows an slow-mo instant replay of Harold and Heather entering the center. It turns out Harold stepped in right before Heather, meaning she receives the extra votes. Then Bridgette asks about what the buttons were for. Chris reveals that each one represented a person who did not make TDA. The button someone pushed was the camper who was chosen to be brought back to compete! It turns out the Button Bridgette fell on was Courtney's and she would be coming back. At the end, Courtney arrives and she is really happy, and so are Duncan, Bridgette, and some others. In the confessional, Heather says "I have a plan to get back at Harold for making me get those extra votes. I mean those (sigh) probably are not going to help me much for the first elimination. But I don't have to worry. If my plan works, Harold will be out of here!"
P.S. Please post this, it took so long to write. Thanks!!!
Cuh-ute!!! o, and person who wrote that episode, kewl!!!Even tho it didnt happen... I luv♥ the ornaments! u know wat would make them betr... Courtney
i ♥ the idea above me. that would have been a cool challenge cause harry potter is like my secend fav topic, tdi/tda and other seasons that y make being my 1st. the show is so awsome. keep up the good work.
!the ultimate courtney fan!
i ♥ how in canada you spell honored as honoured. i totally wish i lived in canada...sigh. dont u also spell gray, grey? i always do dat anyway cause its kooler☺
i heard a cat screaming and squealing a second ago i bet trent would be hard to make....did u make one please tell me you did.
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