Woohoo! I like Trent! He's the only one who sees Duncan for who he is! ...Oh, I just went to Google, and it happened that I logged on on 9/9/09 at 9 hours, 9 minutes, and 9 seconds. They had a cool logo! I saved it as a pic. So, national Trent day, huh...? That's awesome! There should be a Total Drama Island day, period! That would be sweet! Did anyone ever notice that, as a gag, Trent is injured a LOT in TDI (and, I guess, TDA)? Also, as another gag, Harold is always hit...down there, among other places, and Geoff always ends up stinking.
Has anyone realized that on the first episode, when Chris shows the tabloid magazine, he is on the cover, Leshawna's cousin or whatever she is is on one corner, and the apparently nameless intern (dubbed Numero Uno by Nalyd Renrut) is on the other side! I love these gags!
Happy Trent day, indeed! I love how unofficially official it became!- Although I wonder whether this will become an annual holiday...or if we'd have to wait another millenium for it to happen again...?
Haroldfan296, did you notice the ninth contestant to arrive is Trent in Not So Happy Campers? (And yes, intern Numero Uno is the best intern. He is a pizza man/hot air balloon rider/dude from Brooklyn/camera man. Really, what can't he do?)
I forgot to wear my team Trent t-shirt, but I wore my Owen t-shirt! (Okay, I don't have an Owen shirt... You guys gotta make TDI merchandise. Ezekiel's hat, Eva's work out gear, Noah's sweatervest, Justin's CD of sexy music (LOL), Katie/Sadie style clothes, Tyler's head band, a CD full of Izzy talking to herself, Cody shirt, Beth voice changer, a book about how to sue a reality show by "Courtney", num-yos, Trent shirts, Bridgette surf boards, Lindsay bikinis, DJ stuffed animals, Geoff cowboy hats, LeShawna hoop earrings, Mr. Coconut plush toys, Duncan's "Pierce Yourself" kit, Hetaher's wig, Gwen's diary, and an Owen shirt! If you can't tell, I am bored. XD)
And they heard Nalyd say as he logged off for the night, "Merry Trent day to all, and to all number nine!"
HHHaaappyyy Trent Day! He's one of my favourites. OCD or not, he's a great guy. And I really hope he make up things with Gwen, they're one of my favourite couples. Hehehe, for this day, there should be a Trent plushie. I'll definetly buy it!
happy trent day!....wait.....*gasp* im freaking out now! you know how trent ALWAYS got hurt? well i injured my toe, got hit in the head with a dodgeball, bent my fingers the wrong way, got hit the on the hip and shoulder, injured my rib in gym, and tripped.... all in one day O_o maybe it's the effects of trent day? (im kind of scared now) haha i realized i turned into trent today xD kind of sad that trent day will never happen again....
Tehehe Trent day :3 im celebrating, no not really, but im making a vid about him, no not really, but im um, not doing anything, sorry... :P BUT HAPPY TRENT DAY! :D
Based on their sounds, I think that... Adam Reid also voices Wayne on 6teen. Stephanie Anne Mills also voices the clones. Emilie-Claire Barlow does Chrissy. Lauren Lipson does Caitlin. Meghan Fahlenbock (sorry about the spelling) does Jen. Scott McCord also sounds a bit like Darth...hard to tell. Does Rachel Wilson also do the voice of Jude's girlfriend Melinda in one episode...? I think that Katie Crown and Kristin Fairlee do voices on Stoked. Am I right about these? Are there any more...?
lol! happy Trent day! and if you guys made all those merchandise that Nalyd Renrut said, I would totally buy all of it! and, yes, i do hope that Gwen and Trent get back together. They're my second favorite couple (Geoff and Bridgette's my first favorite).
It's also very weird, because my lucky number is 9 also.
I h8 trent he is my least fav character. dude he FREAKS ME OUT WIT DA WHOLE NUMBA 9 THING!!!! I DONT CARE IF IT"S HIS LUCKY NUMBA OR NYTHING!!!!!!! trent's creepy he deserved to get booted off BOTH SEASONS!!!! this is SO out of the ordinary, but GO TEAM DUNCAN!!!!!!!!!!! HES THE BESTEST CHARACTER ON THE SHOW!!!!
Wooooooo-Hoooooo! Yay! Happy Trent Day! This is awesome! Trent is my ALL-TIME favorite character! He rox!!! yeah! he's literally JUST like me in real life. it's freaky!
Hey Thorny, is Scott McCord the voice of that main character dude in bakugaun. or whatever it's called. that main kid with the brown hair. He sounds like Trent.
Also, what other shows/movies has Scott McCord voiced in? i'm really fascinated with this stuff. he's my favorite voice actor. [cuz of trent!]
Here's another reason to be 9'ed up about. We Americans now know that The episode 14 of TDA will finally air! At the same time as you from Canada! Sadly not today on 9 day. :( but tomorrow as well! We've waited 11 weeks! 11 weeks! I wish it would've been 9 weeks, but sadly, it isn't. :((
I have something to say which has nothing to do with the subject but I will tell anyway...
Well I just recieved the TDI dvd from America (Im from Australia) and it doesnt have Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island on it. This is a real dissapointment to me. It says it has it on the dvd cover but its doesnt. SIGH...
So my dad got it for me, and I wanted to see it, now Im gonna have to tell him. He will be dissapointed too. Why didnt they put it on the dvd? I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANTED TO SEE IT!
Can I ask you some questions... PLEASE... 1.Um when will TDDDDI air in Australia? 2. When will the TDI dvd come out in Australia? 3. When will TDA air in Australia?
Um... there might be more but thats all for now. PLEASE TRY to answer these questions. PLEASE.
Im very sorry for bothering you all the time but can you post your email address so I can send you emails. PLEASE.
OH Im so sorry. Im not in a good mood because of the dvd.
"Well I just recieved the TDI dvd from America (Im from Australia) and it doesnt have Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island on it. This is a real dissapointment to me. It says it has it on the dvd cover but its doesnt. SIGH..."
A lot of people have complained about this and I had some folks look into it. From what I'm told, the DVD does NOT advertise the Total Drama,Drama,Drama,Drama,Drama episode. It says that the reunion special is on it -- which is something completely different. (I believe they're talking about the Playa Des losers episode)
As far as when the show will premiere in Australia -- or the DVD will be released there, I have no idea. All of those decisions are made by the distributors and networks. If I hear anything though i will be sure to share the news.
Do you folks up in Canada and Teletoon have any say about what Cartoon Network edits out, or what the previews for the next episode are like? Because I don't agree with some of them.
In episode thirteen, they don't edit out when Harold says, "I loved, I lost, and I saw boobies.", neither do they edit out Heather saying ,"Like I'd show that dweeb my boobs on purpose." But they edit out the other times Harold says "boobies" in the episode.
They also edit out the word "stupid" and replace it with "foolish" or "lame-o". But in episode 25, when Gwen says, "Just give me the frickin' freebie", they edit it out so that she says "Give me the stupid freebie". So, they edited something out and replaced it with something they frequently edit out.
They edit out the randomest stuff, like Eva calling Leshawna "thunder-thighs" in episode 15. They still let Leshawna say, however, "No one disses Shawney's thighs", and it doesn't make sense.
In episode 26, Heather says, "Oh, bite me", and they edit it out so that there is no explanation as to why Izzy is looking at her hungrily.
So, do you have any say in this? And do you agree with all of them? Just curious...
YES FINALLY!!! TDA IS BACK! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR EVER! i find it unfair we had to wait 11 WEEKS to get it back while the U.S didn't have to wait at all! we should be near the finale by now.....
HAPPY TRENT TO ALL MY FELLOW TOTAL DRAMA FANS!!! i know someone already did this but heres a list of some ideas for character merch (sry but i am using some of urs cuz there good ideas! :) Trent's gutiar,Gwen underware (lol from "who can u trust") Justin's manicure kit,breed a new species of bunnies and call it Dj's bunny (and anyone who gets a DJ's bunny must name is Bunny) Geoff's hat and skateboard,Bridgette surfboards A a cd of Izzy talking that comes with a SUPER SPECIAL dvd that teachs u step by step insturtions on how to do the dance of the rattle snakes,Eva's work out equipment,Harold's num-yo's,Owen's how-to on how to burp the alabet in one go~thats all i can think of at the momment soo OOOO one last idea make offical costumes 4 halloween!!!yeah see i would sped my money on that!
There's like, this little question that's been confusing me for the past week.
Are the ORIGINAL original episodes of Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action uncensored? 'Cause I don't see how you can pixelate all that nudity on Flash (which I currently use; I wanna follow the animator's footsteps [and possibly yours{and the director's 8D}8D]8D) Feel free to answer this weird question in anyway you think most appropiate.
i had a big par-tay at school for trent day! i was yelling at sient lunch HAPPY TRENT DAY!!! our table was chearing! then the school! im going to send a letter to obama to make it a real day!!! i have this little cardnal named trent and i brang him to school for show and tell and i said.. "its trent day, and this is trent!" my teacher asked whos trent? everyone raised their hand and said: TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!!! it was sooo funny, even the teacher laughed a bit. 28 cupcakes to trent!! lol say hi to trent for me!!!
forgot to menchtion- i have been getting hurt like trent! i have stiches on my toe (steped on glass) i had a broken arm over the summer ( fell off a rip stick ) and i fell on my head off the monkey bars ( doing a front flip ) now i know not to be stupid.
The New Episode Just Aired In America First! And Now Because Of The New Scooby Doo Movie We Get To See The Next New Episode On Sunday! (Insert Kadie And Sadie EEEEEEEE'ing Here)
YAY! Happy Trent Day to us all indeed!
Woohoo! I like Trent! He's the only one who sees Duncan for who he is!
...Oh, I just went to Google, and it happened that I logged on on 9/9/09 at 9 hours, 9 minutes, and 9 seconds. They had a cool logo! I saved it as a pic.
So, national Trent day, huh...? That's awesome! There should be a Total Drama Island day, period! That would be sweet!
Did anyone ever notice that, as a gag, Trent is injured a LOT in TDI (and, I guess, TDA)? Also, as another gag, Harold is always hit...down there, among other places, and Geoff always ends up stinking.
Oh, yeah, I forgot...
Has anyone realized that on the first episode, when Chris shows the tabloid magazine, he is on the cover, Leshawna's cousin or whatever she is is on one corner, and the apparently nameless intern (dubbed Numero Uno by Nalyd Renrut) is on the other side! I love these gags!
its trent day and its my birthday too :D thats so cool
All right it Trent day! YYYAAAYYY!
Happy Trent day, indeed!
I love how unofficially official it became!- Although I wonder whether this will become an annual holiday...or if we'd have to wait another millenium for it to happen again...?
Awesome! They should make Team Trent T-SHIRTS! I would totally buy it!
NINE! I hope everyone has an epic Trent Day! I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Nine and Trent!!!!!!!!!
Haroldfan296, did you notice the ninth contestant to arrive is Trent in Not So Happy Campers? (And yes, intern Numero Uno is the best intern. He is a pizza man/hot air balloon rider/dude from Brooklyn/camera man. Really, what can't he do?)
I forgot to wear my team Trent t-shirt, but I wore my Owen t-shirt! (Okay, I don't have an Owen shirt... You guys gotta make TDI merchandise. Ezekiel's hat, Eva's work out gear, Noah's sweatervest, Justin's CD of sexy music (LOL), Katie/Sadie style clothes, Tyler's head band, a CD full of Izzy talking to herself, Cody shirt, Beth voice changer, a book about how to sue a reality show by "Courtney", num-yos, Trent shirts, Bridgette surf boards, Lindsay bikinis, DJ stuffed animals, Geoff cowboy hats, LeShawna hoop earrings, Mr. Coconut plush toys, Duncan's "Pierce Yourself" kit, Hetaher's wig, Gwen's diary, and an Owen shirt! If you can't tell, I am bored. XD)
And they heard Nalyd say as he logged off for the night, "Merry Trent day to all, and to all number nine!"
HHHaaappyyy Trent Day! He's one of my favourites. OCD or not, he's a great guy. And I really hope he make up things with Gwen, they're one of my favourite couples. Hehehe, for this day, there should be a Trent plushie. I'll definetly buy it!
yay! Happy Trent Day indeed to everyone!!!
happy trent day!....wait.....*gasp* im freaking out now! you know how trent ALWAYS got hurt? well i injured my toe, got hit in the head with a dodgeball, bent my fingers the wrong way, got hit the on the hip and shoulder, injured my rib in gym, and tripped.... all in one day O_o maybe it's the effects of trent day? (im kind of scared now) haha i realized i turned into trent today xD kind of sad that trent day will never happen again....
Happy Trent Day!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Tehehe Trent day :3 im celebrating, no not really, but im making a vid about him, no not really, but im um, not doing anything, sorry... :P BUT HAPPY TRENT DAY! :D
To Jocelyn...
Happy birthday!
HAPPY TRENT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think this should be a national holliday!!!!!!!!!
Based on their sounds, I think that...
Adam Reid also voices Wayne on 6teen. Stephanie Anne Mills also voices the clones. Emilie-Claire Barlow does Chrissy. Lauren Lipson does Caitlin. Meghan Fahlenbock (sorry about the spelling) does Jen. Scott McCord also sounds a bit like Darth...hard to tell. Does Rachel Wilson also do the voice of Jude's girlfriend Melinda in one episode...? I think that Katie Crown and Kristin Fairlee do voices on Stoked.
Am I right about these? Are there any more...?
Happy trent day to one and all!
No idea you guys would make a post though. Ahh, I love you xDD
lol! happy Trent day! and if you guys made all those merchandise that Nalyd Renrut said, I would totally buy all of it! and, yes, i do hope that Gwen and Trent get back together. They're my second favorite couple (Geoff and Bridgette's my first favorite).
It's also very weird, because my lucky number is 9 also.
I h8 trent he is my least fav character. dude he FREAKS ME OUT WIT DA WHOLE NUMBA 9 THING!!!! I DONT CARE IF IT"S HIS LUCKY NUMBA OR NYTHING!!!!!!! trent's creepy he deserved to get booted off BOTH SEASONS!!!! this is SO out of the ordinary, but GO TEAM DUNCAN!!!!!!!!!!! HES THE BESTEST CHARACTER ON THE SHOW!!!!
Wooooooo-Hoooooo! Yay! Happy Trent Day! This is awesome! Trent is my ALL-TIME favorite character! He rox!!! yeah! he's literally JUST like me in real life. it's freaky!
I LOLed at this. I can't believe it! It is 9/9/09 and I NEVER thought of Trent!!!
Some fan I am...
(Feel free to disagree)
Hey Thorny, is Scott McCord the voice of that main character dude in bakugaun. or whatever it's called. that main kid with the brown hair. He sounds like Trent.
Also, what other shows/movies has Scott McCord voiced in? i'm really fascinated with this stuff. he's my favorite voice actor. [cuz of trent!]
Here's another reason to be 9'ed up about. We Americans now know that The episode 14 of TDA will finally air! At the same time as you from Canada! Sadly not today on 9 day. :( but tomorrow as well! We've waited 11 weeks! 11 weeks! I wish it would've been 9 weeks, but sadly, it isn't. :((
I LOVE ME SOME 9. xD~ This is the best day of my life ;-; XD
happy trent day! go numero uno!!!! he's the best!
Trent trent trent tren trent trent trent trent trent! Yay! Happy Trent day.
ohhhhhhhhhhh Trent. I love that guy. :) He's crazy, but I love him.
Happy Trent day!
Can we do a day for misunderstood homeschoolers like Zeke next? :D
did anyone realize that in tdi's 1st episode chris said "here's our nineth contestent trent"
it's a TDA thing
Yay happy Trent Day!
I have something to say which has nothing to do with the subject but I will tell anyway...
Well I just recieved the TDI dvd from America (Im from Australia) and it doesnt have Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island on it. This is a real dissapointment to me. It says it has it on the dvd cover but its doesnt. SIGH...
So my dad got it for me, and I wanted to see it, now Im gonna have to tell him. He will be dissapointed too. Why didnt they put it on the dvd? I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANTED TO SEE IT!
Can I ask you some questions... PLEASE...
1.Um when will TDDDDI air in Australia?
2. When will the TDI dvd come out in Australia?
3. When will TDA air in Australia?
Um... there might be more but thats all for now. PLEASE TRY to answer these questions. PLEASE.
Im very sorry for bothering you all the time but can you post your email address so I can send you emails. PLEASE.
OH Im so sorry. Im not in a good mood because of the dvd.
Thats all now I think. BYEEEEE
"Well I just recieved the TDI dvd from America (Im from Australia) and it doesnt have Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island on it. This is a real dissapointment to me. It says it has it on the dvd cover but its doesnt. SIGH..."
A lot of people have complained about this and I had some folks look into it. From what I'm told, the DVD does NOT advertise the Total Drama,Drama,Drama,Drama,Drama episode. It says that the reunion special is on it -- which is something completely different. (I believe they're talking about the Playa Des losers episode)
As far as when the show will premiere in Australia -- or the DVD will be released there, I have no idea. All of those decisions are made by the distributors and networks. If I hear anything though i will be sure to share the news.
Do you folks up in Canada and Teletoon have any say about what Cartoon Network edits out, or what the previews for the next episode are like? Because I don't agree with some of them.
In episode thirteen, they don't edit out when Harold says, "I loved, I lost, and I saw boobies.", neither do they edit out Heather saying ,"Like I'd show that dweeb my boobs on purpose." But they edit out the other times Harold says "boobies" in the episode.
They also edit out the word "stupid" and replace it with "foolish" or "lame-o". But in episode 25, when Gwen says, "Just give me the frickin' freebie", they edit it out so that she says "Give me the stupid freebie". So, they edited something out and replaced it with something they frequently edit out.
They edit out the randomest stuff, like Eva calling Leshawna "thunder-thighs" in episode 15. They still let Leshawna say, however, "No one disses Shawney's thighs", and it doesn't make sense.
In episode 26, Heather says, "Oh, bite me", and they edit it out so that there is no explanation as to why Izzy is looking at her hungrily.
So, do you have any say in this? And do you agree with all of them?
Just curious...
lol make fun of that final destion movie
xD Best. Holiday. Ever. Go Trent!
YES FINALLY!!! TDA IS BACK! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR EVER! i find it unfair we had to wait 11 WEEKS to get it back while the U.S didn't have to wait at all! we should be near the finale by now.....
i know someone already did this but heres a list of some ideas for character merch (sry but i am using some of urs cuz there good ideas! :)
Trent's gutiar,Gwen underware (lol from "who can u trust") Justin's manicure kit,breed a new species of bunnies and call it Dj's bunny (and anyone who gets a DJ's bunny must name is Bunny) Geoff's hat and skateboard,Bridgette surfboards A a cd of Izzy talking that comes with a SUPER SPECIAL dvd that teachs u step by step insturtions on how to do the dance of the rattle snakes,Eva's work out equipment,Harold's num-yo's,Owen's how-to on how to burp the alabet in one go~thats all i can think of at the momment soo OOOO one last idea make offical costumes 4 halloween!!!yeah see i would sped my money on that!
Hello Thawrny.
Just noticed your profile pic; Awesome.
There's like, this little question that's been confusing me for the past week.
Are the ORIGINAL original episodes of Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action uncensored? 'Cause I don't see how you can pixelate all that nudity on Flash (which I currently use; I wanna follow the animator's footsteps [and possibly yours{and the director's 8D}8D]8D) Feel free to answer this weird question in anyway you think most appropiate.
RIP.OFF! we were supposed to get the new episode of TDA, and they showed the episode where courtney appeared! >:(
i had a big par-tay at school for trent day! i was yelling at sient lunch HAPPY TRENT DAY!!! our table was chearing! then the school! im going to send a letter to obama to make it a real day!!! i have this little cardnal named trent and i brang him to school for show and tell and i said.. "its trent day, and this is trent!" my teacher asked whos trent? everyone raised their hand and said: TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!!! it was sooo funny, even the teacher laughed a bit. 28 cupcakes to trent!! lol say hi to trent for me!!!
forgot to menchtion- i have been getting hurt like trent! i have stiches on my toe (steped on glass) i had a broken arm over the summer ( fell off a rip stick ) and i fell on my head off the monkey bars ( doing a front flip ) now i know not to be stupid.
The New Episode Just Aired In America First! And Now Because Of The New Scooby Doo Movie We Get To See The Next New Episode On Sunday! (Insert Kadie And Sadie EEEEEEEE'ing Here)
haha happy trent day!! XD
also, this has nothing to do with tdi/tda, but i heard a baby was born on 9/9/09 at 9:09 am. O_o
Hapi Trent Day from hong Kong.xDDD
Has anyone noticed that Trent was told to be voted off in both seasons? :0
happy trent day!!! hahahahahaha i ran around schol yelling tht, and know everyone thinks im wacko....but all the better for trnt day! hahaha
HAPPY TRENT DAY!!!!!!!on 9/9/09 a baby was born at 9:09am and weighed 9 pounds 9 ounces.maybe he will be like trent when he grows up lol
omj, so clever!!!!!!
Happy Trent day! and i think the idea of TDI merchandise is awsome!
sorry but i dont get HOW 9/9/09 is trent day. explain.
Nalyd Renrut...
Yes, I did notice that. Plus, the contestant number nine is my favorite, Harold...
To Thorny...
In the first ep of TDI, Trent's hand on the shirt goes from left to right throughout the show...
our hole class has nicknames from tdi
Brandon- Trent jr.
YAY fOR Trent Daaaaaaay!
And it is Trent day because his favorite number is NINE and it's NINE/NINE/O NINE
vendetta said...
sorry but i dont get HOW 9/9/09 is trent day. explain.
Trent is obsessed with the number 9.
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