Hey Folks!
We've had lots of requests for new stuff from the upcoming season 2 of Total Drama Island,
but we're not allowed to talk to much about it. We'd hate to spoil things for the folks just getting season one on Cartoon Network.
What we do think we can share though, is a snippet from the upcoming 1 hour special.....
That's right. A special episode. A bit of a reunion if you will.
Bringing back everyone from season 1.
There'll be laughter, tears and fist-fights with crocodiles!!!

These board panels are by our good friend Troy Quane. He boarded a few eps for us last season too. We were lucky to have him help us, as he was really busy with a little project called "ENCHANTED".
Troy was the Storyboard Supervisor on Enchanted -- If you want to see some more great boards check out his site.
Todd and I are going to try to put as much development art and behind the scenes stuff up as we can -- but we need to do it without spoilers.
Keep watching!
please just tell us what day the new season starts please.
TDA is coming in the summer right, right?
so sesan 2 will start soon? ohhhh yeah that is really funny.......when will sesan 2 start the people from USA wont care when sesan two of total drama island will care
man plezzzzz im dieing to know when sesan 2 will be on will it start fall or summer i just need to know so bad really bad
Aww man, it's going to be awhile before I get to see season 2 but I can wait.
go duncan go!!!!!! go duncan go!!!!!!!! lol that is really really funny but is that going to be in a epasode in sesan 2 if so really funny
well thats really really cool but when will sesan 2 start you can show that or you cant i hope you can
AWESOME!!!! When does this reunion air??? :)
LOL Duncan!
Are all the season 1 people coming for the whole season?
oooh, this one hour special's for when?
and man, can't wait till the next season :) The drawings rock, by the way! I love love love TDI's style. It's one of the main reason that made me want to draw more "cartoon" drawings.
i like this show
Are there going to be new campers or just the same ones from the first season. I would like to see new campers but i'm cool with whatever you are planning to do anyway
Hey guys, TDA isn't airing in the summer, it's actually airing Fall 2008 because that's what I heard!
I SO can't wait for the reunion!
yo so when will total drama island start soon? what will happy in the 1 hour special will the new chariters just come or in epasode 2 in it
My god, please just tell us which season 1 members are going to be regulars in season 2! All I need from season 2 is Gwen and I'm set, Duncan's cool, and would be my second choice, but I would actually MURDER for Gwen to be a regular in season 2.
Ugh, the agony of impatiency! This is going to kill me until season two airs! Speaking of which, can we at least know the month?
Second season is said to air in late september early october.
I just cant wait though!!!!
I wonder if its still going to be on the camp site or something totally different.
Owen would be a good choice for Season 2. We need his energetic enthusiasm!
i know this will be a rally really really really long time when will sesan 3 start or will you make sesan 3 and will ther be updates fore sesan 2 soon?
I want cody to be in season 2
on a site it says sesan 3 will be called Total Drama Arena well if so that is a really cool name
i nkow this will never happen but will you guys make a game fore x box 360 or ps3?
I think they should make a spelling game. People need to spend less time watching tv and learn how to read and write.
I really hope Heather comes back! She was the best one on the show! Heather should come back with that same additude. She could go all the way to the top! Please put Heather in Season 2! GO HEATHER!!
I just started watching the series in the US, a reunion sounds cool. :D Noah NEEDS to come back for season 2, we barely got to see him in season 1!
I think they should make a spelling game. People need to spend less time watching tv and learn how to read and write.
Yeah, whoever said that, doubtful! Come on, TDA/TDI is an AWESOME show and there's no way they're gonna make this educational../
I like cody he is funny but i dont wont to lie that the frist Time i seen him i thot he was well a she
yeah make a spelling bee epasode in sesan 2 with hard words that is like really really hard
plezzzzz i need a update i was wating for a long time just for a update well ther be one soon i hope so just let me know
Anonymous said...
Check on wikipedia it has the characters that are going to be on season two
That list is:
ooooh close -- but not quite. what I CAN tell you is that 46% of that list is 50% right. Names with repeating consonants, and having vowels appearing in reversed alphabetical order, are in the top 10 percentile of those characters with a 66% chance of appearing in season two on one or more episodes. The probability of the returning female characters' chance of remaining on the show beyond the 17th episode of season two is inversely proportional to the number of 6-letter character names divided by the number of characters with indo-european spellings of their last names.
That should clarify things for you.
xD Thanks for clearing things up!
so 46% is not a lie? or no well can you tell up the chariters that will be in sesan 2? plezzzzz i wont to know the people form the USA wont care at all who is in im dieing to know
ohhhhhhhhhhhh man that is a lie i was hope you guys just put the chariters in sesan 2 ohhhh well i hope most of it is not a lie
um what does that mean?
I hope that IZZY, CODY, and BRIDGETTE well come back. Izzy because she justs makes the show, Cody because I want to see him away from Gwen, and Bridgette because well she's just awesome. the people I don't want to come back would have to be Owen, Trent, Geoff and Beth.
That list is:
ooooh close -- but not quite. what I CAN tell you is that 46% of that list is 50% right. Names with repeating consonants, and having vowels appearing in reversed alphabetical order, are in the top 10 percentile of those characters with a 66% chance of appearing in season two on one or more episodes. The probability of the returning female characters' chance of remaining on the show beyond the 17th episode of season two is inversely proportional to the number of 6-letter character names divided by the number of characters with indo-european spellings of their last names.
So.. That means that Izzy, Geoff, Ronny, Sally and Chyanne are going to be in the top ten percentile of 66% returning? You can't figure out the rest of the problem because we don't know their last names.
I'm from USA I'm strating to see this and I love it when will the reunion came on it the USA
duncan and courtney better come back they were my favourite couple!
Oh my goodness those board panals are ftw. I can't wait till this shows in the USA.
I still don't really get it?
so will total drama island sesan 2 will have like 24 epsodes to or like 12 because Wikipedia says that total drama island sesan 2 will have 12 if so i wont be as happy to see tosesan 2 come on just 12 epasodes no way i hope thats a lie
most likey is abd will cody and duncan be in sesan 2 i hope so they rock but i hope beth is not in sesan 2 i dont like her at all but all the rest charites rock
so only 23% is true
yeah Wikipedia did say that will i hope sesan 2 will have more epasode then that
Season 2 will have 26 episodes. Season 1 had 26 episodes plus a bonus flashback clip episode right before the finale.
ok really ok sorry for thinking Wikipedia is not lieing man i hate that site like really it lies way to much.........get an update
ok now Wikipedia says that sesan 2 will have no new chariters if so i like that because ther is a 100% chance that cody and duncan will be in sesan 2 yeah but it can be a lie
yeha i cant what for sesan 2 it will rock this is my hope list
cody (my fav of all time and funny)
duncan (really cool in a punk way)
geoff (funny)
owen (all the best fart seens)
trent (just like him)
Harold (funny in a weard way)
Bridgette (just like her)
Gwen (can be funny)
Courtney (make the show good)
Heather (i dont like her but still)
Leshawna (funny in a way)
this are the Characters that i hope will be in sesan 2 if it is them sesan 2 will be more beter then i think but the top 2 people that i wont in is cody and duncan
It's going to take over a year for Season Two to come to the states, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
yeah i like the new name for sesan 2 total drama island actin cool name when will it come out it will rock
I'm in the U.S,andif the TDI makers see this,I hope it wouldn't be too late to make an alternative ending.I joined a club for the show(its my only fav show on CN)and thety all said who the winner was.
So yea,and for season two,can Duncan PLEASE come back,he was/is my fav fav fav favourite.
i bet this is gonna be a special at the beggining for season 2
well this is one chariter that is not comeing back CODY let me say i just know
you say people don't care from the USA? i'm from it and i really wanna know whos coming back and when it starts. your so stupid to think no one from here cares. especially since it's the greatest show to come on Cartoon network frinally.
OMG! I seriously need duncan and courtney in season 2 or else it will so totally be so, undrama... ya' know?
I love them so much! They actually kiss in season 1! I forgot exactly what happened but maybe i'll say it later, or maybe i'll find it or something. But, Here is my list for season 2 that they MUST be on!:
Duncan(He is soooo funny!!!)
Courtney(She is like me and she loves duncan like me! She 's the only one that dares argue with duncan)
Gwen( I like her personality)
Trent(i like it when he sings and he always tries and makes thing better!)
Heather( She makes things interesting)
Would people please stop saying that Heather "MAKES THINGS INTRESTING" some of us actually like her. Sure she makes things intresting, but there are people out there who LIKE the mean characters!...No offense
It's driving us CRAZY here in the states only being able to see one episode per week
Anyway in regards to season 2, we REALLY hope Duncan comes back, as long as he still likes Courtney!!!! Trent and Gwen would be awesome too!!!
I REALLY hope Duncan and Courtney will be reunited! They were the sweetest couple, and right when they got together, she got eliminated! That was so sad. The reunion episode will be awesome, but I also hope we see the season 1 cast in season 2. At least some of them.
Duncan rules....."witha chanisaw and a hook!"
And Izzy. We liked her too.
no i think tdi season 2 is coming in fall
andd ughh tdi ppl ^_^ i love tdiii but cud some of the season1 ppl come back like gwen bridgette dj geoff trent courtney and duncan ?
I hope Cody and Gwen are in season 2! Those two are my favorites! Cody's is awesome and I like how he respects Gwen but still has feelings for her. I also like Harold, Lashawna, Duncan, and OWEN! I hope to see them in season 2! That would be great.
I can't believe everyone from season 1 is going to be on season 2
i hope Katie and Sadie and ducan comebackbecause i'm sadie and my estest friend is katie and why did sadie and katie have to go home
duncan and Courtney are awsome together but I LOVE DUNCAN!!
in season 2 i really want bridgette to come back. if she does im happy but if she doesnt i will be mad . and it wasnt fair cause she only got voted of cause she smelt like a skunk so ya ..............
You know...you Canadians are all really waiting for TDA and I think that you should play the reunion show in Canada first...? Because you guys are really waiting- and I HATE waiting- I mean I thinyou guys have waited a while. But Please don't put any spoilers up! Hahaha I doubt it but whatever!
<3 Duncan + Courtney <3
Cody was my favorite and i hated it when he got voted off!!!!! I want him 2 B in season 2!!!!!!!
And heres a suggestion they should take a person that each contestant knows and bring them to TDI as contestants (ex.Duncan knows a bad girl from juvey aka his best friend that makes Courtney jealous ooh that'll spice it up!!!!!!!
BTW:How old is Chris cause if campers are 16 how old is he??
Please Bring Poeple Back =) Maybe you should have everyone back except Owen- cuz he won and all- and.....keep going until everyone wins? haha no that won't work------ hmm and Duncan wins next? haha.
Woo!!! I so hope their is a LOT of Duncan and Courtney moments. Those two have the hugest fanbase in the show.
I hope Duncan is fighting that crocadile because it ate Courtney?
When will it come?
You guys can tell me that.
Izzy acts like me I want her to be in SEASON 2
i hope theirs a lot of geoff and bridgette moments their wasnt that many in season one and chris
carried off bridgette befor geoff kissed her!
Hey, could you tell me the 3 of the final 4's secrets that they mentioned in the episode "camp castaways?" (or make them up quick).
Duncan = why he was sent to juvie.
Gwen = Her real name.
Heather = What she "-did that was so bad-"
Please I'm dying to know.
I just hope katie and sadie
READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!READ THIS!!
Hmmm ya that list that should "clarify things up for you" does actually makes sense because if u divide the number of female characters with 6 letters (vickey) and divide it by their last names which we don't know. so that means it comes out as zero (0). so 1 divided by 0. but it says that its INVERSED! which means instead of dividing you multiply!! so 1 x 0 is 1.
that means only 1 female from last season will make it past the 17th episode of season 2. I'm smart =).
DUNCAN Is Coming back!?!?! no way!
They said those names that have repeating contsonents-
-Terrance -Geoff -Duncan
-Chyanne -Bridgette
-Annie -Trent
-Sally -Heather
-Ronny -Izzy
and then the ones with vowels in reverse alphabetical order
-Chyanne (if y is a vowel haha)
-Duncan. so if the top 10 percentile is 6 people and if they have a 66% chance than it makes sense I think. ? In a way it does.
so maybe it's Heather that makes it past the 17th episode???? we'll have to wait and see...I guess.
actually sorry 1 x 0 is 0 NOT 1. Never listen to me!!!!! I'm stupid =) Im rad BUT STUPID!!! so nevermind! But really I'm thinking Heather, Owen, or Courtney will be joining chef and chris. Heather, cuz she's good at the game. Courtney because she's a CIT ?? or something. Maybe not, or Owen because he won last season!
Hey tell Troy Quane he's good =) I've seen Enchanted and it's a good movie- well the first part is drawn and the rest of it is in -people? haha. He'll get it.
Sooooo it's good...
OK heres what ive got no one wants Katie/Sadie back
and im hoping Duncan will be back cause he's my fave! Courtney should be back cause you know sence she was wrongly voted of she'll have lawyers on cris "like stink on a Poop Truck" but me and my friends have bets on if they both come back!They think they'll be happy in love,I think something will have happened to them 2 make them mad @ each other...putting Duncan in an awkward situation and letting Courtney make more Drama and after all isn't that TDI all about?
come on bridgette and geoff!waahhhhooooo those two are the best!
In season 2, to spice things up for drama, someone should try to come between Courtney and Duncan, the way Cody did with Cody and Trent. But Courtney and Duncan shouldn't get voted off early. The one coming between them should leave in maybe the fifth episode. I'm soooo glad that Courtney and Duncan are in the Season 2!!!
i hope season 2 comes to the united states. i think duncan and courtney should win together.
will the 1hr special come to the u.s?
everyone coming back I can feel it but if I'm wrong I would like Gwen,
Cody,Noah,Ezekiel,&Heather to return I'll be just happy with that!
omggg please please please please PLEASEEEE tell me that duncan and courtney are going to be in season twoo!!
they totally got me hooked, and they make the show interesting!!
PLEASEEE put duncan and courtney in season twoo!!
can u guys at least show a trailer for TDA I'm beging u plz?
a trailer? why not just put up the theme song or the theme video- if you know what I mean...
I Know the cast already and im disapointed
Got to agree wif Dustin and Jakie! im listening to tdi season 1 theme song right now...I think if someone were to get between Duncan and Courtney he'd have to be in a position of power for Courtney to like him over Duncan (mayors son?)or hot for Duncan to fall for a chick (well duh he's not looking for a guy I hope!)
U know whats sad my bmffl
(best male friend for life)
loves Justin (though its hard not to...so shiney)
i would luv if one the charaters knew karate and how to put his feet over his shoulders
like this is suposed to be a request to the producer people ya can you like make one of the charaters have a double life example : say the character comes out as a sweet country girl type but is actully some city girl that never worked a day in her life
ya i know im part of the process in making the show but i have goood ideas
thankyou for listening
I love Duncan and Courtney. Oppisites do attract!!!
That list is:
ooooh close -- but not quite. what I CAN tell you is that 46% of that list is 50% right. Names with repeating consonants, and having vowels appearing in reversed alphabetical order, are in the top 10 percentile of those characters with a 66% chance of appearing in season two on one or more episodes. The probability of the returning female characters' chance of remaining on the show beyond the 17th episode of season
two is inversely proportional to the number of 6-letter character names divided by the number of characters with indo-european spellings of their last names.
ok.. that was a little confusing.. but i think i finally have it.
46% of that list would be all the characters from season 1. and if that is 50% right, that means that the other half would be the rest of the original campers. so all the campers from season 1 will be in season 2 i think.
and the names with repeating consonants or vowels appearing in reverse alphabetical order are
So they are in the top 10 percentile of those characters with a 66% chance of appearing in season two on one or more episodes.
and that last part is just over my head.
Anyway i hope im right, because i would love to see all the campers from season 1 return!
Thorny, I am a big TDI fan and i tried to solve your little math problem, and your pretty smart,it dosen't even mean that they are in but that its possible, anyway my possibly right answer is: Duncan, Izzy, Bridgette, Ronny, Sally, Annie, and Terrance.
I REALY hope though that Trent and Gwen come back though.
please say bzzzzz, or maybe, or something. ur #1 american fan.
Thorny, me again, you know how you said season 2(TDA)starts during the fall, did you mean for Canada only, or The U.S. also. I know you said that its up to CN, but are you going to send them the tape immediatly or wait and give it next year or something. I vote Trent and Gwen still! =)
biggest american fan.
i want duncan and courtney 2 come back! they were my favs. i hope they still have that little romance! i cant wiat 4 season 2. but it willl take a while since i live in the U.S.A.
yahoo answers say that season 3 will be called Total Drama Arena
what will happen to Bridget and Gwen since Geoff and Trent are gone?
hey peaple from usa totaly care im going crazy not knowing its like the best show on cn so what if it didnt ariginaly air here i hate you if you say we dont care and ill hunt yu down............I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!
i looked and found that cartoon network said Courtney, Heather, Lindsay, Harold, Duncan, Izzy, Gwen, Owen, Beth, Leshawna, Trent, Geoff, Bridgette, Justin, & DJ wil be coming back
When shall this be airing???
Wow . Cant wait . I also cant wait for the twilight movie xD .
Wow, can't belive that TDA is coming soon, cause i live in Holland and the Dutch version of TDI has only just started!!!
TDI is great but whats wrong is that half the characters arent in season 2. It's still funny dont get me wrong, its just not the same. Ill always have tdi even when i go to school because my whole class is like TDI Im like trent and my to best friends are like cody and gwen. Its wierd for the fact that my teacher is like chris and his teacher trainnie is like chef hachet. Im the only girl that is like one of the guys on tdi. At least i get along great with everyone exept for the girl that is like heather. She is always bossing people around.When my my teacher spilts us up in groups he gives us funny names. But this is life and mines turned out to be like my fave cartoon.
i just saw this video on youtube where gwen wins tdi its in norwgien but will we ever see it in english
Ok, Courtney isn't actually in TDA in the beggining, she is in the previews and comes in half way through, and in my book, Izzy is the most powerful player.
And I hate Chris a bit, Trent and Gwen, well, they, well, didn't just break up, Gwen told his team to vote of the Captain, who was Trent.
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